Press release -

Isolation! An artistic painting touching upon the current affairs of care (homes), personal health, and relationships.

Mas.S says that we are all in (desperate) need of each other. More than we care and dare to admit. We are all connected with each other and need communion. If we are isolated, if we isolate ourselves or if we are being led into isolation we are squashed and  slowly die. On the other hand He states that " It is just a status, something that can be changed easily, as it is fed by ignorance".

He adds a new perspective, he makes it very personal: "I would like to add, that we can, within ourselves, isolate our heart from our mind, our mind from our body, our body from our heart, etc. and vice versa. Because of ignorance, choice or circumstance." He continues " Ultimately with the same result. We are squashing ourselves by denying or ignoring elementary parts of our being and therefor possibly in others. Our heart is in desperate need of our mind, our mind is in desperate need of our heart, we have to love our body and not abuse these features of our being."

His message is "Love yourself, all of it." Do not isolate the various sides of your personality.  Start simply by acknowledging these features within yourself  and others"."This is the root of an awful lot of misunderstanding and evil". The world does not help the issue with all kind of isolating gadgets and apps.

The mind is, to much, in control, the natural balance is disturbed and the spirit is crushed, the heart is ignored and the body is abused. We think to much. He continues: "I feel very strongly about this topic and I am deeply touched and moved by this hugely important, I would say monumental, issue. The cause of many, many deaths.

The painting shows this in a profound way.

His talent to express himself in this unique, powerful yet simple way has not gone unnoticed in the contemporary art world. Mas.S has been invited to show his work in  Art Basel in Switzerland in June and in the Chinchiano Therme Art exihibition "Art of the mind" in the Tuscany in September.

More of his work, deeper thoughts and more detailed pictures can be seen on


  • Education


  • life choices
  • communion
  • relationships
  • carehomes
  • healthcare
  • social isolation
  • lifeblood

Mas.S is my artist name. Throughout a full life mixed with physical, emotional and mental suffering I have always experienced the presence of Jesus. After 25 years I have now found the creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted some of the elementary topics in the Gospel and in society at large in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it and be blessed through them. Love and Prayers. Mas.S


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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