Press release -

New direction. Mas.s to explore new avenues in his painting "Trust".

The original Dutch painter Mas.s looked at a large empty linen canvas for months on end, wondering what this canvas was inviting him to paint. Landscapes, portraits, conceptual art? Then he knew. The heart. Trusting the silent promtings that moves his hand. Let the deep well up and making it visual. Moving from minute little details to the wider picture and back. The result is amazing, not in the least for himself. Now to be seen at Gagliardi gallery, Kings Road, Chelsea.

He says "I knew in the preparation and the drawing that the result would be special, for me at least, all that was in my heart was converted into visuals. An incredible experience. When over a prolonged period of time the painting became more and more visible by the black oil paint, I started sitting back. When it was finished my wife and I had it in our bedroom and every morning and evening we discovered more and more images and shapes and forms in the painting". I personally think it is one of my best paintings to date. Mas.s  lives and works in London.

"Trust" 40 x 40 inch. Oil on canvas

More info:

Mas.s will exhibit more then 40 of his works at St.Johns, Wonersh on the 1st of December.


  • Education


  • expressionism
  • painting
  • Mas.s
  • trust
  • new direction
  • futurism
  • cubism

Mas.S is my artist name.  I have  found the creativity to express myself through the following paintings. I have painted the beauty of this world and  some elementary topics in society at large in a new, fresh and colourful way. I hope you like it. Love, Mas.s


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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