Press release -

First ever accessible ad agency launched by partially sighted shaun cheesman


Please take a look at the newly launched Milk & Jam website where we have built the latest accessibility technology into our own website to showcase how everyone no matter of ability can use it.

Access keys

By implementing access keys into our website this will help everyone, not just blind and partially sighted people, navigate around it quickly.

Colour change functionality

By building in relatively new innovative colour change functionality into our website this will help those with every kind of disability read and view our website in the way that helps them the most.

Text size functionality

To allow everyone viewing the website to switch to a large font.

Most of us have some kind of eye disability or will in years to come.


                    A word from Milk & Jam founder

                                 Shaun Cheesman

Every company and brand should now be an accessible one. Your brand or organisation should be embracing new technology, new ways of thinking, innovating and marketing in new ways and to new markets. That is why I setup Milk & Jam. Being partially sighted from birth I and my small team have personal as well as over 10 years work experience of being in the media, communications and advertising sector. We are still to this day really passionate about helping clients better their companies and we would really like to help you too.

Here are just some ways that we can help your business:

Disability & accessibility consultancy

Marketing & advertising campaigns

Web design, apps and software

Disability & accessibility key note speaking

User testing

Business & website audits

Disability & accessibility functionality

Freelance disability director services

Accessibility Functionality

Why is Milk & Jam different?

Milk & Jam is different because we help clients reach a bigger audience, help their brands & organisations engage, communicate and market themselves. .We help educate them about the estimated 14 billion pound disability market and how their brand & organisation can market to this clientele, making their business & assets better for everyone.

We also build our own innovative pieces of technology and we have several disability products and an app currently in development for which we are looking for funding so that we can finish building them.

The passion behind Milk & Jam

My passion is about helping others not about helping myself. It comes from my struggles up to now, trying to help others combat what I went through as a child.

I am a passionate guy because I care and with Milk & Jam this will never change. I hope to show this through my experience, struggles through life and helping agencies and companies make a big change.

Whether helping a company or helping someone that truly needs our support to improve their life by just having access or getting that piece of equipment they truly need, that is where the hunger, fight, determination and passion comes from inside.

I love to talk so please get in touch with me on or pick up the phone 

T 07933461203

T 01273 78 22 91

Twitter @milkjamMedia

Twitter @milkandjamMedia

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  • Economy, Finance


  • accessibility
  • design
  • cmo
  • ceo
  • ad agency
  • pr
  • marketing
  • communication
  • disability
  • tech
  • investors


  • England

Welcome to Milk & Jam!

We’re a specialist Web development, Marketing & Accessibility creative agency. We provide the marketing know how, technical and creative flair to make your existing or new project really stand out. This is vital for every business and with our experience we can help your project succeed. We are a team of creatives, tech’s and do’ers who just love to code, design and build great products and services.

Whether it’s a new website or app, UI & UX design, accessibility functionality & consultancy or even a exciting marketing campaign - our diverse skill set, experience, ‘can do’ attitude and well established team means that we can undertake practically any project for you, delivering on time, on budget and to brief every time.

Innovation is really important to us here and we think about this in the planning phase when working on any project. For instance, we've built a new accessibility tool bar product to help clients understand and navigate sites more freely. This was not just for our site though. We wanted to demonstrate to brands that their sites are better if accessible for everyone to enjoy, no matter of ability. Find out more here

If you need a project undertaken or are interested in finding out more about our new accessibility products then we would really like to hear from you and see how we can help out!