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Are you paying too little for your content?

We’re all familiar with the old adage, ‘you get what you pay for.’ Yet, we also like to think we possess a nose for a bargain and know how to secure the best value for money. In business, this is no different. Whether it’s renting premises for your company, hiring staff, or promoting your company and products through marketing and advertising, getting value for money is of fundamental importance. But remember, you get what you pay for.

The biggest trend to hit online marketing for some time has been the term content marketing. For many, content marketing is basically marketing – content has and will always be required, it’s just easier to sell something that is packaged correctly. Regardless, more and more companies have started selling their own versions of content marketing in an effort to increase profits without really having to change their business model a great deal. And, as is always the way, the more saturated the market has become, the lower the costs. But does this mean value?

Low cost, low quality

Like anything, investing in the services of professionals is integral to success. When it comes to investing in content marketing, therefore, you should be prepared to invest in the skills of copywriters, editors, designers, PR professionals, and developers. Unfortunately, it can be all-too tempting to simply opt for the lowest priced option. But doing so could be at the risk of your company’s success.

The above image is not uncommon in the marketing industry, particularly online. Paying peanuts for your content means you will be delivered low quality, uninspiring, and often unoriginal content that is provided by those far removed from the profession. Yes, paying less than £1 per hundred words sounds like a great deal when a professional copywriting agency might charge you a day rate or a figure much higher but, with a higher cost comes the experience, expertise, connections, and professionalism you would want for your own company.

If you’re investing your marketing budget in content that cost peanuts, the ROI on this investment will be virtually non-existent. And, when you consider that effective content marketing is calculated to be 62% less expensive than traditional marketing techniques as it is, doesn’t it seem somewhat churlish to expect to pay even less than that?

Pay more, earn more

So what’s the moral of the story? Well, there probably isn’t one – at least not one that’s particularly revolutionary. The simple fact is, if you pay terrible money for terrible content, you only have yourself to blame. It will reflect badly upon your company and will only need replacing further down the line. Pay a little bit extra to start with and you could see your investment perform better. Who knows, investing in the right copywriting services could even see you content marketing continue to perform for months and years to come.


  • Web services


  • content marketing
  • content
  • copywriting
  • marketing
  • advertising


  • London