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Amber receives prime addition to recipe book

A RECIPE book being created by pupils at Glenlivet Primary received a prime addition last week.

Nine year-old Amber, who’s one of four P4 pupils at the school, wrote to Prime Minister, Theresa May, at the end of October to ask her for one of her favourite recipes to include.

And just a week later, she received a response from 10 Downing Street, with a recipe for a chocolate oat cake.

Amber said the class was working hard to pull the recipe book together in time for a school event on 25 November.

“We’re raising money for MFR Cash for Kids and our school funds. We decided it would be good to make a book full of recipes from family, friends and famous faces.

“I wrote to Theresa May to ask for a recipe. I was excited and amazed when I got a reply. We could try out her recipe at school one day and we hope to get some recipes from other famous faces, too.

“All of the primary four to seven children have worked really hard organising the soup and sweet project. We are doing lots of exciting things as well as the recipe book; we’ve learned lots of skills including using email, writing letters and making tickets and posters.”

Class teacher, Mrs Woodcock, said it’s fantastic to work with a group of children who are so enthusiastic and motivated about their learning.

“We have made a variety of crafts in school, including a recipe book. The children have written to people requesting recipes and received several from friends and family. Everyone at school was thrilled when Amber received a letter from Number 10.”


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