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Creating Your Own Moving Company

There will be some preparations to be made, and huge steps to be taken, so make sure this is exactly what you want to do. But the choice of making your own business is always a good first experience as it will show whether you are suited for a businessman and whether a certain business suits you. All you have to do is get the knowledge, get prepared, get the business started, and get going.Here you will learn all about the knowledge and preparations, so read closely:

  1. Do the numbers.

Don’t even dream of starting anything until you are sure that you have the finances to back you up. Moving companies can start really small, but you will still need to do the math and be prepared for everything that is to come. You will need a van or vans, you will need money for uniforms, you will need money for salaries if you intend to hire labour right from the start. Make a budget, set the prices, get a loan if you need to, but calculate the risk as well.

2. Do the documents.

Make sure you have all the permits and licences you need to start the business. You can attempt to do it without those, but one slip up and you will be facing a vicious lawsuit from local government and customers alike, so better get all the documents in order before you even think of a name of a firm. And don’t forget about insurance! When you are moving house for somebody, you need to be able to give them the details of your insurance company so that they know their belongings are insured in case of an accident – and you can never plan for accidents. And do incorporate the company – you want to pay all the taxes, and you will pay them with a smile.

3. Decide on starting company size

If you have a small budget to start with, you might want to start out as a simple man and van service for small removals. But if you want to be able to move a whole house, you will need labour. You will need employees, and you will need reliable ones. When hiring them, always make sure that they are legal, that they have an active driver’s licence, and that they can handle heavy loads. Make sure you are also paying them appropriately – you might want to consult other moving companies to see how the paycheques are handled there if you are not familiar with movers’ salaries. Also, you will need sturdy removal vans, and do make sure to maintain them, and stick a logo on the side.

4. Advertise, advertise, advertise.

And, finally, you will of course want to get noticed. That doesn’t happen while sitting on your bottom at home and waiting for calls. Make flyers and pamphlets, make posters, make an appealing logo, make a website. Do everything you can think of to promote your business and get it noticed by potential customers.

After you do all this, you can wait for the phone to start ringing with demands. It might go slow at first, but once you establish yourself as a reliable moving business, the throngs will start coming and soon you will need to make preparations for expansion.


  • Trucks, Transport vehicles


  • moving


  • London