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Safer Internet Day reminds us that there is good online

The internet plays a massive part in our daily lives. The resources available are immense and the possibilities infinite. So too are the dangers. More children than ever have access to a smart device connecting them to the internet at all hours.

Safer Internet Day is a global initiative set up to highlight the positive effect technology can have on our lives. The goal is to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology amongst children. Safer Internet Day also calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, law enforcement, policymakers and the wider community to help create a better internet.

As well as encouraging people of all ages to help in creating a better and safer online community, Safer Internet Day advise parents and children of all ages on the impact the internet can have on their lives and the lives of others. While inspiring respectful and inclusive internet behaviour, Safer Internet Day also aims to raise awareness about the issues of online hate.

The initiative, coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, began in 2004. Annually, Safer Internet Day raises awareness in over a hundred countries coordinated by Insafe/INHOPE and supported by the European Union.

Last year over 850 organisations got involved, ranging from schools and youth charities to government and businesses. Activities ranged from panels, presentations, social media campaigns, targeted lessons, and more.

Are you ready to play your part in making the internet a safer place? Join the conversation at #SID2016 or get involved in the #shareaheart social media campaign to help inspire kindness online.

We support Safer Internet Day because an inclusive, safe digital space is essential in our media driven age. For more tips to keep you safe online, check out our tips page.

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  • Business enterprise


  • online safety
  • security
  • social media
  • safer internet day
  • internet security