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Great interest in the "Costruzioni 4.0"

The two-day information event of our exclusive italian partnerNeuvendis was a complete success. After an interesting introduction by the managing director Dario Stefani the top-class presentations of the participating companies began. The descriptive title of the conference "Costruzioni 4.0 - We know how" was giving a hint about the lectures to hear. They were hold by representatives of BASF, Evonik N & C, Saint Gobain Seva, Neuvendis Denka and Dennert Poraver. The goal of an exchange of experience at a high level was clearly fulfilled and confirmed by the more than 35 invited participants.

"The intensive dialogue and the so-called see the bigger picture on concrete problems of the customers of other manufacturers is what makes these events so valuable. Often arise here, not foreseeable in advance, synergies. In the coming year we are participating there again." Dr. Monz international sales manager of Dennert Poraver GmbH, affirmed the decision to participate. An assessment shared by Francesco Tacchini, sales manager Neuvendis: "There were two very successful days, with considerable knowledge transfer and a very good opportunity for networking. We look greatly forward to the next event."


  • Chemical industry


Stefan Kastner

Press contact Marketing Communication +49 9552 92977-11