Press release -

Gender agenda: Celebrity squad ‘mans up’ for men’s health

Homeland star Damian Lewis, Game of Thrones hard man Charles Dance, Sir Michael Parkinson and rugby legend Will Carling - some of Britain’s most iconic figures - have signed for Men United, a unique team launched today by comedian Bill Bailey at The Football League HQ.

‘Men United v Prostate Cancer’, a punchy and unashamedly masculine campaign using the language of sport to engage the nation’s men, is the brainchild of Britain’s foremost male health charity, Prostate Cancer UK.

In his role of Men United 'Team Manager', Bailey fronts the campaign. It kicks off with a national television message, filmed at the home of Millwall FC, which debuts to millions of viewers during football coverage on ITV1, Saturday 25 January, when AFC Bournemouth host Liverpool FC in the FA Cup fourth round.

In the 30-second advert, which premieres at half-time, around 1.45pm, he calls on men from all walks of life to sign for Men United, adding their weight to the new movement to beat the devastating ‘dad’s disease’ once and for all. The meaty message will be screened more than 6,000 times across numerous platforms, and it is part of a multi-channel, nationwide campaign which is hoped to be the biggest for men’s health the country has ever seen.

“We need men to sign for the team in their thousands. Clubs, pubs, individuals - let’s get everyone on the team. It’s easy - just search Men United online and you’re in! We’re determined to make this as massive for blokes as the breast cancer campaign has been for women," said Bill, whose own father-in-law is one of the 250,000 men in the UK living with the disease.

Top names from sport, the arts and industry - many with personal stories of the destruction inflicted by the disease on a man’s life - have already signed for Men United and now join ‘gaffer’ Bailey in urging the nation’s men to sign up to fight the apathy and neglect surrounding one of the UK’s biggest man killers.

Broadcasting and chat-show legend, Sir Michael Parkinson, himself diagnosed with the disease last year, is among the first recruits, stating: "I’m signing up to Men United because I know what it is to confront prostate cancer. You definitely don’t want to do it alone. However tough you are, you need all the support you can get. Every year, around 40,000 men are diagnosed with this disease in the UK, and men need to join together to fight back."

Damian Lewis, who plays the edgy character Brody in the hit US series , was also quick to put his name to the campaign. A father in his 40s, the actor said: “I’m not yet 50 but one day I will be and that’s when a man’s risk of prostate cancer spikes. I’m joining Men United because it’s about hammering a disease which kills 10,000 men in the UK each year. Men United aims to tackle that.”

Each year almost as many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer as women are diagnosed with breast cancer. But research into prostate cancer is badly underfunded, leaving tests and treatments trailing behind other common cancers. And the quality and availability of treatment can vary across the UK.

Owen Sharp, Chief Executive at Prostate Cancer UK, is leading the charge to challenge injustice around the disease. He said: "A man in the UK dies each hour from prostate cancer and another is diagnosed every fifteen minutes, yet in one year, England spent seven times more money on burning over-prescribed medicines than it did on prostate cancer research. That’s obscene and our men deserve better.

"Here, prostate cancer survival rates are below the European average, here research into the disease lags a decade behind that for other cancers, and quality of care depends on where you live. It’s a scandal and we are not going to accept it. Men United is a powerful way for men, and the women in their lives, to mobilise against this common enemy. By signing up, you have a place and a voice in a growing movement that’s taking action for men’s health.”

In a final rousing rallying cry, Men United’s manager Bailey, added: "One in every eight of us will get prostate cancer. It’s a deadly game but the message is, 'we can win this'. Men United is about blokes wising up to their risk, manning up to face it, and stepping up to demand better care. Life isn’t a spectator sport; it’s about getting in there and being part of the solution. Prostate cancer has been the poor relation for far too long. That has to change and Men United is the team to change it. But it needs every one of us, so search Men United and join in.”

During the integrated television, print and digital campaign, which is running until the end of March, men - and women - are encouraged to go online to search Men United and to get involved by testing their knowledge of the disease with a simple quiz, and signing for the team. They can also pledge their allegiance by proudly wearing the charity’s iconic ‘Man of Men’ pin badge. To sign for Men United:


  • will carling
  • bill bailey
  • men united
  • sir michael parkinson
  • charles dance
  • damian lewis

Notes to Editors:

Available on Request:

Hi-res photos and broadcast standard footage of launch, stills from Bill Bailey’s TV advert, interviews with celebrities (subject to demand), quotes from celebrities, and interviews with case studies, Prostate Cancer UK experts, nurses and clinicians.

Men United – The Facts:
• Men United v Prostate Cancer is our call for men to join together in a movement against the common enemy of prostate cancer. The aim is to build a united front of men against this disease. We want to get the message out about one of the UK’s biggest man killers, support men affected by it, and intensify the search for more reliable tests and treatments for the future.

  • Men are being asked to sign for Men United by visiting where they can also test their health knowledge by taking a quick quiz.
  • The core audience is men over 45 who urgently need to know about this disease, and to do something about it. Men United is not exclusively for men. This is a movement for men, but women will be critical supporters and activists within it. But, the core idea is that men are very consciously facing their health and banding together to right a wrong.
  • Whether they’ve been diagnosed or are simply concerned about prostate cancer, men can find out about the disease at
  • About Prostate Cancer UK:
    • Prostate Cancer UK fights to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. We support men and provide vital information. We find answers by funding research into causes and treatments. And we lead change, raising the profile of the disease and improving care. We believe that men deserve better.
  • Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in the UK. Over 40,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. Every hour 1 man dies from prostate cancer. One in four Black men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives.
  • Anyone with concerns about prostate cancer can call Prostate Cancer UK's confidential Helpline on 0800 074 8383 or visit The helpline is free to landlines, staffed by specialist nurses, and open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday with late opening until 8pm on Wednesdays.