Press release -

More Help for Men with Prostate Cancer

CANCER Support Scotland, Prostate Cancer UK and The Movember Foundation have joined forces to provide more help for men affected by the most common male cancer in Scotland.

The partnership means that Cancer Support Scotland is now able to provide 120 appointments between now and March at its Glasgow headquarters, the Calman Centre, for men with the illness and their partners. The move has been made possible thanks to funding boost from Prostate Cancer UK, with the support of The Movember Foundation.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men, with one man dying from the disease every hour in the UK. But an increasing number are being treated successfully and the partnership is designed to offer vital personal support and complimentary therapies over and above essential medical treatments.

Craig Millar, Community Support Services Manager for Scotland at Prostate Cancer UK, said: “With the number of men being diagnosed with prostate cancer on the increase Prostate Cancer UK is determined to ensure that the care and support available to them and their partners is on the increase too. We are always on the look out for like-minded organisations to team up with, and are delighted to have been able to fund Cancer Support Scotland to deliver these additional services. We have no doubt they will be of great benefit to all who take advantage of them.”

Colin Graham, chief executive of Cancer Support Scotland, said: “Early detection and better treatment means an increasing proportion of men are surviving prostate cancer and, whilst health services are doing a fantastic job, there is often a need for more than just medical support to aid the recovery process.

“Cancer Support Scotland provides a wide range of complementary therapies and demand for them has trebled in the last two years since we moved into the Calman Centre. We are therefore delighted to be working with Prostate Cancer UK to extend our services further, this time to men being treated for or recovering from prostate cancer.”

The launch coincides with the annual moustache growing and fund-raising campaign by The Movember Foundation, from which Prostate Cancer UK is the principal UK beneficiary.

Famous faces who have overcome prostate cancer include Denis Law, Billy Connolly and Sir Michael Parkinson.

Anyone wishing to take advantage of the new services should call Cancer Support Scotland on 0141 337 8199, freephone 0800 652 4531, email or visit



  • Health Organisations


  • the movember foundation
  • craig millar
  • cancer support scotland
  • men united v prostate cancer
  • movember

Notes to editors:

Cancer Support Scotland:

Sir Kenneth Calman founded Cancer Support Scotland, previously known as Tak Tent (Scots for Take Care), in 1980.

Complementary therapies offered by Cancer Support Scotland include talking therapy (counselling), reiki, reflexology, Indian head massage, deep tissue massage, stress management, aromatherapy and hot stone therapy. Chiropody and coping with hair loss services are also provided.

Cancer Support Scotland is a registered charity and relies on the generosity of legacies and donations to provide all its services free of charge.

Cancer Support Scotland, in association with Macmillan Cancer Support and Glasgow Life, is extending its outreach services to eight libraries in Glasgow and surrounding areas. They are already available at The Mitchell Library, Dennistoun Library, The Bridge Library Easterhouse, Elder Park Library, Govan, and Renfrew Health Centre.

Complementary therapies - all of which are free - including talking therapy (counselling), aromatherapy, reiki, hypnotherapy, Indian head massage, Chi Gung, reflexology, deep tissue massage and stress management.
Chiropody and coping with hair loss services are provided ,and there’s also a dedicated support group, Heads UP, for people with head and neck cancer.

About Prostate Cancer UK:

  • Prostate Cancer UK fights to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. We support men and provide vital information. We find answers by funding research into causes and treatments. And we lead change, raising the profile of the disease and improving care. We believe that men deserve better.
  • Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in the UK. Over 40,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. Every hour one man dies from prostate cancer. One in four Black men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives.
  • Anyone with concerns about prostate cancer can contact Prostate Cancer UK's Specialist Nurses in confidence on 0800 074 8383 or via the online Live chat, instant messaging service: The Specialist Nurse phone service is free to landlines and open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday with late opening until 8pm on Wednesdays

Men United – The Facts:

  • Men United v Prostate Cancer is our call for men to join together in a movement against the common enemy of prostate cancer. The aim is to build a united front of men against this disease. We want to get the message out about the cancer that kills ten thousand men in the UK every year, support men affected by it, and intensify the search for more reliable tests and treatments for the future.
  • Men and women are being asked to sign for Men United by visiting where they can also test their health knowledge by taking a quick quiz.
  • Whether they’ve been diagnosed or are simply concerned about prostate cancer, men can find out about the disease at

About the Movember Foundation:

The Movember Foundation is a global men’s health charity which raises vital funds and awareness for the often ignored issues of men’s health, specifically prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health. It is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches around the world in November when men become walking talking billboards for men’s health. Mo Bros start the month clean-shaven, and then grow and groom their moustache all month long.

Funds are directed to men’s health programmes which are shaped by Movember’s vision to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.

Programme areas focus on awareness and education, living with and beyond cancer, staying mentally healthy and research. Programmes are delivered by the Movember Foundation and its men’s health partners in each country. Further information about how Movember’s funds are invested can be found at

The Movember journey began in 2003 with a few mates in a pub in Melbourne, Australia. The goal was simple – to create a campaign promoting the growth of the moustache among like-minded people and have fun along the way. It is about real men growing real moustaches, talking about real issues to help to change the face of men’s health.

Movember now spans the globe across 21 countries. Since inception, a global army of over 4 million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have grown, or supported the growth of a moustache. To date more than £345 million has been raised globally and over 800 men’s health projects are being funded.
For more information on Movember visit