Press release -

Much-loved wildlife expert tops fantasy friendship poll - as Prostate Cancer UK launches Men United drive to ‘keep friendships alive’

Naturalist Sir David Attenborough* has topped an online poll1 as the man most men would like to go for a drink with, in a surprise result, Prostate Cancer UK revealed today.

The much-loved broadcaster, who has spent much of his life observing interactions in the animal kingdom, is certainly popular with his own species, beating off male icons, including David Beckham and James Bond actor Daniel Craig, to the top spot.

The organisation, a leading force for men’s health, commissioned the survey to time with the launch of the second wave of its Men United campaign, kicking off today (Thursday 29 January), which aims to 'keep friendships alive'.

As well as crowning the telly favourite as best fantasy friend, the YouGov poll of over 2,000 men also revealed that contrary to the popular belief that men spend all their time gathering on the terraces, online for gaming, or in the pub; in reality over half of men (52%) see their close friends less than once a week, and 54 per cent feel they should spend more time with their mates. A further YouGov online poll2 for Men United found that although 84 per cent of men believe that seeing their friends is good for their health and well-being, 63 per cent said they spend more time doing routine chores like washing up, and cooking than catching up with a mate.

Owen Sharp, Chief Executive of Prostate Cancer UK, says Men United aims to change that: "More than half of men we spoke to said they wanted to get together with their friends more often. That is what Men United - our movement for everyone who believes men are worth fighting for - is all about.

"By joining Men United people will get to see their mates more, do something great together and help us beat prostate cancer. Whether it's big or small, signing a petition or running a marathon, doing it together is what really matters. We know what starts with a quick 'hello', a chat in the pub or a barbecue with mates, can end with a nationwide army of men - ready to fight for their friends, themselves and men everywhere."

The poll also revealed that 'the times they are a-changing', when it comes to men's health. Busting the myth that men take a stiff upper lip approach to their health, 61 per cent said they would turn to friends for emotional support if they were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Turning the idea of traditional male banter on its head, results revealed that men are more likely to talk about their health (35%) than sex (26%).

This is set against a backdrop of half (50%) of men over 50 - the largest group at risk of prostate cancer - saying they have fewer close friends as they get older.

"These results add to other mounting evidence that men are increasingly empowered about their health, and we can debunk some traditional ideas. Men need to heed the rallying cry to join Men United, as not only will they help us beat this disease, which has been lagging behind for too long, but reconnect with their mates too. In particular, we want those men over 50 who are seeing their friendships drift to take the initiative to get together and do something for Men United. With prostate cancer becoming the most common form of cancer by 2030, they never know when they may need their friends,” added Sharp.

The Men United campaign will run across different channels, reaching blokes where they already gather in communities. A TV ad, created by award-winning director Tom Beard, which features a series of different scenes about the power, warmth and humour of male friendships, will run from today. A number of real friends, and men who have been affected by prostate cancer, appear in the ad, alongside actors.

“The shoot showed just how prevalent this disease is, with many people wanting to take part as they, a mate, a father or brother, had been affected. It also showed just how real the spirit of male friendships is, and the benefits this can have for men. The group of swimmers, for instance, are real mates who meet every morning to brave the cold and take a dip in Brighton’s icy waters,” said Sharp.

In an imaginative tie up with the Spirit Pub Company, Prostate Cancer UK has transformed a historic London pub, The Anchor Bankside, on London’s South Bank - creating a ‘man space,’ from which to kickstart activities that bring men together and celebrate and inspire male friendships. Plans are afoot for more Men United Arms across the country, with numerous pubs wanting to come on board.

Since it was launched 12 months ago, Men United has caught the imagination, and a new zeal for change in men’s health - with more than 200,000 people signing up to pledge support. Men from all walks of life, from footballers to lawyers and politicians to plumbers, have formed a growing army, raising funds to find the answers for the future through research and supporting men now. The new movement also lent its backing to a successful campaign to make drugs available to the men with prostate cancer who need them.

A number of celebrities have already come on board, pledging support to Men United and talking about their own friendships.

Footballer Paul Scholes, who ‘signed’ to Men United last year, said of his buddies from the Class of 92 teammates: “Football and friendship goes hand in hand. I was lucky enough to graduate through the ranks at Manchester United with a special group of lads and we shared everything together for club and country – on and off the pitch. That bond has stood the test of time as we continue together on the other side of the white line, at Salford City FC. Having played for Man United it might be a bit difficult for me to say Men United at times, but it’s a great campaign with a great name and it would be great to see many more men join me by signing up.”

People are being urged to search Men United, and sign up.

A preview of Prostate Cancer UK’s new Men United TV advert can be viewed here:



  • Health Organisations


  • owen sharp
  • men united
  • prostate cancer uk
  • sir david attenborough


Available on Request:

Raw data from Prostate Cancer UK’s friendship survey, hi-res photos and broadcast standard footage of launch, stills from the TV advert, interviews with celebrities (subject to demand), quotes from celebrities, and interviews with Owen Sharp and Prostate Cancer UK experts, case studies, nurses and clinicians.

About Men United and Prostate Cancer UK:

o Men United is Prostate Cancer UK’s movement for everyone who believes that men are worth fighting for, to help us beat prostate cancer and keep friendships alive. Over 200,000 people engaged with Men United in 2014.
o Search Men United, or visit
o Prostate Cancer UK works to get men in all areas of the country the early detection, effective diagnosis and better treatments that will beat this disease.
o Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. More than 10,000 men die every year from this male-only disease, and 250,000 men are living with prostate cancer in the UK.
o Anyone with concerns about prostate cancer can contact Prostate Cancer UK's Specialist Nurses in confidence on 0800 074 8383 or via the online Live chat, instant messaging service: The Specialist Nurse phone service is free to landlines and open from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday with late opening until 8pm on Wednesdays.

About Prostate Cancer UK’s friendship survey:

1Figures are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,057 GB adult males. Fieldwork was undertaken between 26th November - 1st December 2014. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adult males (aged 18+).

*Sir David Attenborough was the most frequently selected option in the following question: “Which ONE, if any, of the following celebrities would you most like to go out and have a drink with (e.g. beer, coffee etc.)?

Sir David Attenborough 16
Peter Kay 11
Jeremy Clarkson 9
Prince Harry 8
Jeremy Paxman 5
Paul McCartney 4
David Beckham 4
Lewis Hamilton 4
Sir Alex Ferguson 4
Tony Blair 3
Sir Michael Parkinson 2
Jamie Oliver 2
Daniel Craig 2
Mo Farah 2
None of these 19
Don’t know 4

2Figures are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,072 male adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 12th and 16th December 2014. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adult males (aged 18+).