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​Planning to see family or friends this bank holiday weekend? You’ll be joining 20 million other motorists on the roads

The unpredictable weather isn’t going to be enough to put off the nation from taking advantage of the forthcoming bank holiday with new figures from the RAC indicating more than two-thirds (70%) of the UK’s driving population – that’s some 20 million of us* – is planning on getting away to see friends or family.

Bank Holiday Monday – which marks the start of half term for many schools up and down the country – is set to be busiest with 4 million of us taking to the roads, with Saturday expected to be almost as busy with 3.8 million people on the move. In an effort to beat the inevitable queues on major routes, 3.2 million of us are planning on making a journey this Friday.

Expected leisure travellers using major UK roads this bank holiday | Create infographics

And despite the threat of industrial action on the country’s railways having been averted, the RAC is advising motorists to allow plenty of time for their journeys. Also welcome will be the news that Highways England will be suspending or removing nearly 400 miles of roadworks in time for the weekend.

The motoring organisation recommends drivers seeking to get ahead of the crowds on the roads try to travel early on Friday or Saturday mornings, and do their best to avoid the peak travel times of this Friday after 4pm and Bank Holiday Monday between 12pm and 5pm.

RAC spokesman Simon Williams said: “Drivers will be grateful that the threat of a major rail strike this coming Monday is over, but we're still expecting the roads to be busy - with things peaking on bank holiday Monday itself.

“As always, the advice is to plan ahead – and not be too surprised if you encounter some queues if you’re driving any serious distance this coming bank holiday.”

To help plan your journey and keep up to date with traffic conditions, incidents and roadworks, download the RAC App for iPhone or Android, or use the RAC’s Route Planner. Alternatively, you can use the RAC traffic line by calling 64644 from a mobile phone.


* Figure covers expected traffic car volumes from Friday 22 May to Monday 25 May 2015 inclusive. Research conducted by Ragdoll in May 2015 with 1,750 motorists as respondents; figure extrapolated to 29.1m licensed cars.




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