Press release -

It's the people that make it all worth while

Today, at the Göteborg Book Fair, I had the opportunity to meet many fine people, one of them, was Anna, an impressive 13 year-old (who did not at all come across as anything but mature). She picked up Intrusion and my other story, Finding Agnetha (an out-of-the-ordinary story about ABBA), and emailed me the following comment, hours later:

Hi Real! Today I met you at the Gothenburg book fair, a 13 year old brunette girl whose family is from Ireland and USA. I started your book Intrusion and it stuck to my hands! I just wanted to tell you your book is great! Really. At the fair I went to all the places with friendly people. You know, people with a smile. You had this charming, warm look from a movie when I first saw you. You look just like the guy from Hachiko, my favorite movie. I wanted a closer look so I stopped at your "store" and figured you were one of those talkative sellers, but you spoke english! Intrusion sounded as a perfect book for me and I bought it, though a bit suspicious of the low price. But I absolutely love it! I'm going to buy your third book when I find it in stores, it was calles Kid something? Buffalo kid? I hope you'll write more books. Are you good at sci-fi? At school I'm in the student counsil, and I'm going to try to sell in your books to our low stacked library. I think your books will sell fine, with some luck they'll be well-known world wide!
Great books and good luck, Anna


  • Literature


  • intrusion: a keeno action novel
  • real laplaine
  • göteborg book fair
  • canada
  • terrorism
  • rfid chips

Réal Laplaine writes from both imagination and experience. He writes human stories, and while fictional in nature, they reflect the struggles to achieve dreams, to hold to principles and integrity, and to accomplish justice and human rights. Throughout his writings is a thread of realism - because in part, he has lived some of the things he writes of. He has experienced having a gun aimed at his head, or a knife put to his back. He has prevented women and men from being beaten. He has pulled unconscious people from a burning car, and he has fought fires from Hollywood to the range fires of California. His own background, and childhood, was no stranger to violence and abuse, so he understands the nature of the beast when he writes about people.


Réal Laplaine

Press contact Writer & Author 46 (0) 720 494 799