Press release -

Keep the power to evict illegal immigrants within the courts #refuselandlords

Petition Link:

Keep the power to evict tenants within the courts #refuselandlords

London: The UK has been plagued by media coverage of immigration; Calais in particular has the governments keen eye bearing down on its sorrowful shore. The scenery at the port is a pitiful one, awash with families and lost individuals trying to cross the border seeking new lives, and a chance to survive.

As a swift countermeasure the UK government is pushing through a bill which will empower private landlords to run checks on all prospective tenants requiring them to prove their legitimacy to live in safety here on UK soil.

Power to evict paying tenants without a court order will also be granted to private landlords. This is terrible risk which is gambling with the lives of individuals and families seeking a better future for their children.

Our petition is to stop Landlords being given the power to evict tenants without a court order; illegal immigrants should live under the same laws that protect all other residents in the UK, not singled out. Please sign this petition and use our hashtag to support this campaign. #refuselandlords

The courts are used as a means to lawfully evict tenants, to bypass this system could bring about a number of problems, if this bill passes this will affect thousands of people and lead to wide spread problems around the UK including homeless families and potentially violence at the point of eviction.

I have one question - have you ever dealt with a landlord? Some of them can be...let’s say unreasonable. I stress some not all! Here is a scenario – what will happen to a family who have children born in the UK but the father is considered an illegal immigrant and the father pays the rent, will his children also lose their home? Where will they go? Please support this campaign and help keep the power to evict tenants within the legal system.

Megan Padley

Facebook group:


  • families
  • government
  • awareness
  • petition
  • eviction
  • landlords
  • calais
  • illegal immigrants

This is an independent campaign by Megan Padley and Jenny Conlon,