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LagoLearn, reducing rabbit anaesthesia deaths

According to rabbit CPD company LagoLearn, too many rabbits die under anaesthesia. Rabbits have one of the highest published anaesthetic death rates of any companion animal species(1) and anaesthesia is one of the teaching topics most requested by vets and vet nurses.

The company is seeking to improve this situation by hosting a day-long conference focusing on rabbit anaesthesia on 14th October at New Hall Hotel in Birmingham. Thanks to sponsorship by Supreme Petfoods, the event is currently priced at an Early Bird rate of £110 (plus VAT) including breakfast, lunch and refreshments, representing great value for money.

The event aims to give veterinary professionals the skills and confidence they need to return to their practices and implement new techniques which will help reduce the risks involved with rabbit anaesthesia.

Dr Ivan Crotaz of LagoLearn says rabbits are a species that have always been a challenge to anaesthetise safely, “We’ll be covering all the important areas that contribute to better survival rates, including manual and electronic monitoring, hospitalisation and anaesthetic techniques such as endotracheal intubation and intravenous cannulation.”

The CPD will focus on expanding the options open to practices, enabling them to select from a choice of possible protocols to best fit the patient. Case studies will be used to help delegates apply their new knowledge to real life situations and the session will include practical workshops led by LagoLearn experts using their bespoke rabbit mannequins.

External speakers include rabbit specialist Molly Varga BVetMed DZooMed MRCVS, anaesthesia specialist Ian Self BVSc PGCert Vet Ed FHEA CertVA DipECVAA MRCVS and anaesthetic monitoring expert Mike Brampton.

Prospective delegates can find out more at and book by emailing

  • (1)= Anaesthetic death rates: Rabbits 1.39%, Cats 0.24%, Dogs 0.17% (CEPSAF, Brodbelt, 2006)

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  • Veterinary medicine


  • rabbit cpd
  • veterinary cpd
  • lagolearn
  • supreme petfoods
  • vets uk

About Supreme Petfoods

Supreme Petfoods was the first company to make species specific small animal diets that reflected their unique nutritional requirements. As well as offering the biggest range of species specific foods, Supreme also manufactures all its herbivore diets in dedicated vegetarian facilities. Only ingredients of the highest quality are sourced for use in the Supreme range of foods and the recipes are developed to be palatable without the use of added sugar. Supreme recipes are all manufactured to a fixed formula to minimise the risk of gastric upset and while the company produces diets containing the highest fibre levels of any rabbit food, hay is always recommended as an additional food source to promote dental wear, provide environmental enrichment, foraging and nesting opportunities. Find out more about Supreme at or visit the company Facebook site. (

About LagoLearn

LagoLearn was started after we realised that rabbits were now such common patients that teaching their care under ‘exotics’ streams at veterinary conferences was no longer sufficient. We started the company to provide specific veterinary training for this much misunderstood species.

We are here to help veterinary professionals raise the standard of rabbit care in line with that of pet dogs and cats, both in the UK and internationally. LagoLearn is proudly sponsored by Supreme Petfoods.

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Claire Hamblion

Press contact Marketing Manager Marketing 01473 823296