Press release -

Churches demand stop to violence in and around Gaza

Picture caption: Gaza in shreds. Photo: Magnus Aronson/IKON (2009) 

During the day, Bishop Eva Brunne, member of the Church of Sweden’s international council, has learned of the rumours of a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza – a hope that was rapidly shattered.

“A lasting ceasefire must be the highest priority at present to enable the conditions for building peace to be created. We are constantly praying for all those affected by this situation,  and for courage and wisdom in those who have the power to make decisions.”

“Our sister churches give us reports of the situation and we share their despair. There are no winners in this,” says Bishop Eva Brunne.

Several of the Church of Sweden’s international partners are now appealing for a stop to the bloody war between Israel and Gaza. Munib Younan, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and President of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), has issued a statement in which he demands immediate cessation of the ongoing escalation of violence. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), condemns the attacks from both sides and urges the UN Security Council to take action to immediately stop all types of violence from all those involved in the conflict. Act Alliance, the global humanitarian network of churches and affiliated organisations, of which the Church of Sweden is a member, demands that all parties involved, including the international community, take action for peace.

“Yet again, innocent men, women and children are the ones who have the pay the price of politicians’ failures,” says John Nduna, General Secretary of ACT Alliance, and he urges both the fighting parties and the UN to enable medication and other necessities to reach those affected without delay.

Bishop Munib Younan of the ELCJHL has issued a public statement, in which he appeals for support and calls for action. The Church of Sweden’s international work backs the statement, which contains the follow points (in summary):

  • The parties in the ongoing conflict (Israel and Hamas) must immediately and unconditionally cease fighting, and the international community must take action to end the human suffering. Palestine and Israel need justice, peace and dignity instead of radicalisation, revenge and bloodshed.
  • Direct peace talks are required to attain comprehensive and lasting peace that is based on a two-state solution with the boundaries of 1967, and that complies with international legislation and human rights. A ceasefire must be anchored in a long-term peace treaty to prevent a recurrence of violence.
  • The blockade of Gaza must be lifted for lasting peace to be achieved.
  • The international community has supported healthcare and medical treatment for Palestinians for a long time, particularly on the West Bank and in Gaza. The ongoing violence has hit healthcare and medical treatment hard, and we are currently especially concerned about the Augusta Victoria Hospital and the hospitals and healthcare centres in Eastern Jerusalem.
  • Recurring eruptions of violence place the church and partner organisations in a chronic state of crisis and disaster. Measures and support are required for interreligious cooperation and peace-building work that can supply strength with which to build up the civil society.
  • Help must be provided by the worldwide church to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and others who have been affected by the current wave of violence, and support is required for the development of the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.

Munib Younan appeals to “all people of good will” to raise their voices and take action in a situation of unacceptable violence and bloodshed.

“Your involvement can create hope in a hopeless situation. The entire Middle East is seething. Please, don’t leave us all alone in this situation. We need your support so that we can build just peace and achieve reconciliation based on forgiveness,” concludes Bishop Munib Younan in his statement.

Statement - ELCJHL 
Statement - World Council of Churches
Statement - The Lutheran World Federation


  • International


  • church of sweden
  • bishop eva brunne
  • bishop munib younan
  • israel
  • palestine
  • gaza
  • elcjhl
  • world council of churches
  • lutheran world federation
  • act alliance
  • human rights


Daniel Bramsell

Press contact Press secretary Archbishop Antje Jackelén +46-18-16 94 19