Press release -

​General Synod opens next week

The first session of the General Synod will take place next week – for the second time at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress. Photo: Magnus Aronson/IKON

Tuesday 22 September sees the opening of this year’s General Synod, which will address a total of 108 motions and 6 written communications. The first session of the General Synod will take place over four days and will open with a service of worship in Uppsala Cathedral.

The General Synod will start with a service and Holy Communion in Uppsala Cathedral at 14:00 on Tuesday in the presence of King Carl Gustaf, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. After the service, the guests will stay in the cathedral where the General Synod will be opened. The members will subsequently go to Uppsala Konsert & Kongress where the plenary session and committee work will take place. The General Synod will conclude its first session on the Friday and reconvene for its second session and decisions on 16–18 November.

During its opening, the General Synod will also be visited by the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Tawadros II. He will be in Sweden as a guest of the Church of Sweden on 19–22 September, invited by Archbishop Antje Jackelén. During his visit he will also meet Swedish church leaders and Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström. On Sunday 20 September he will preach the sermon at the service with Holy Communion at 11:00 in Uppsala Cathedral.

Motions and written communications
Climate, diaconia and pastoral care as well as the situation in the Middle East are some of the topics raised by members in this year’s 108 motions. The wealth of motions also includes the notable strong interest in issues affecting children and young people, the Church of Sweden as a source of cultural heritage, ideas for developing voluntary work and increasing accessibility to our churches. Environmentally friendly energy and solar panels on church roofs will also be up for discussion.

The Central Board of the Church of Sweden has submitted six written communications to the General Synod – including Activities and Finances 2016–2018.

The General Synod is the Church of Sweden’s highest decision-making body and has 251 members, who were elected in the 2013 Church elections for a four-year term of office, 2014–2017.

During the first session on 22–25 September the members will work in committees. During the second session on 16–18 November the members will work in a plenary session and make all the decisions. The opening service of worship will be celebrated in Uppsala Cathedral at 14:00 on 22 September, led by the Bishop of Lund Diocese, Johan Tyrberg. The concluding service of worship will be at 15:00 on 18 November, led by the Bishop of Härnösand Diocese, Eva Nordung Byström.


  • Parties, movements


  • church of sweden
  • general synod
  • pope tawadros ii
  • climate
  • diaconia
  • pastoral care
  • middle east


Daniel Bramsell

Press contact Press secretary Archbishop Antje Jackelén +46-18-16 94 19

Ewa Almqvist

Press contact Press secretary +46-18-16 96 77

Stefan Håkansson

Press contact Press secretary +46-18-16 94 20

Lotten Andersson

Press contact Head of Media +46-18-16 97 95