Press release -

​National memorial service ten years after the tsunami

On Boxing Day, 26 December, it is ten years since the tidal wave engulfed Southeast Asia. The tsunami was a life-changing event for many Swedes. The 10th anniversary is being marked by a national memorial service in Uppsala Cathedral.

The service, led by Archbishop Antje Jackelén, will start at 4 pm on Boxing Day in Uppsala Cathedral and will be broadcast live by Swedish public service television channel SVT. The Swedish Royal Family and representatives of the Swedish Government will be present.

“Many people in Sweden and around the world are living with the scars of what happened back then. The memorial service in Uppsala is open to all, and we extend a particular welcome to those who were affected by the tsunami in some way. As there is no coordinated association for the relatives of those who perished, we would like to invite them via the media,” says Archbishop Antje Jackelén.

The King and Queen together with the Church of Sweden have taken the initiative for the memorial service. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will be giving a speech and there will be several musical items.


Accreditation for reporters and photographers must be obtained no later than Friday 19 December. Send your name, editorial office, mobile number and email address to There will be places designated for the press at the front in the side aisle, near the high altar, and these must be occupied by 3.45 pm at the latest. 

Memorial ceremony in Thailand

The Church of Sweden in Thailand will be taking part in a memorial ceremony on the beach in Khaolak, organised by the Swedish Embassy on the 10th anniversary at 5 pm (local time). Representatives of the Government will be participating.

A total of 300,000 people lost their lives in the tsunami, of which at least 543 were Swedes.

Contact for the memorial service in Uppsala:
Lars Åstrand, assistant vicar to the Archbishop, tel. +46 (0)766-22 58 15

Contact for the Church of Sweden in Thailand:
Lars Ryderstad, vicar, mobile +66(0)81-8374574 (time difference: +6 hours).


  • Church communion


  • archbishop
  • church of sweden
  • memorial service
  • tsunami
  • uppsala


Daniel Bramsell

Press contact Press secretary Archbishop Antje Jackelén +46-18-16 94 19

Ewa Almqvist

Press contact Press secretary +46-18-16 96 77

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