Press release -

The Church of Sweden want to inspire and engage people on global issues at the event Världens fest

The festival is the Church of Sweden’s regular gathering focused on international work. The theologian Fulata Moyo, former UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Margot Wallström and the Lutheran World Federation General Secretary Martin Junge are some of the participants.

The overarching goal of Världens fest 2012 is to highlight the Church of Sweden’s solidarity with the worldwide church, while focusing on the Church of Sweden’s international mission. The festival will showcase and stimulate interest in the Church of Sweden’s international mission to meet the needs of a broad public. Världens fest targets Church volunteers, elected representatives, employees and the general public with an interest in global issues.   

Time and Place
Världens fest will take place September 7-9, 2012 in Malmö, a city with a culturally diverse population of nearly 300,000. Events will take place in churches and other premises in central Malmö. A stage will be built on Stortorget to host a public event on Saturday evening.

Content and Theme
Världens fest in Malmö features lectures, meetings, seminars, public events and cultural programs. The festival acknowledges Malmö’s profile as a city that promotes diversity and welcomes religious dialogue and social cohesion. The theme is: think@future! The program will emphasize a forward-thinking, youth-oriented perspective. Participants will be producers rather than consumers. The keyword is interactivity.

The theme think@future!  is linked to three subject areas that guide and shape the programs:
• Sustainable development
• The Church worldwide
• Human rights


So far 3500 people have signed up. Once registered, participants may attend various events including lectures and seminars. Registration opened in February.
Världens fest aims to attract an additional 10,000 people to participate in some of the public events.


Världens fest in Malmö is organized by the Church of Sweden.


Media is welcome to participate at the seminars but accreditation is necessary. Get accredited by September 5 by e-mailing your name and mobile phone number.

 Media contact

Press secretary Stefan Håkansson                  
Telephone: +46 18169420


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure


  • human rights
  • archbishop
  • church of sweden
  • världens fest
  • malmoe
  • malmö


Stefan Håkansson

Press contact Press secretary +46-18-16 94 20