Press release -

Think Positive - 30 Day Challenge

A criminal defence legal aid lawyer from London has launched a life coaching website. The website offers a downloadable course in positive thinking. At the end of the course, participants are invited  to take part in the "Think Positive 30 Day Challenge".

The website can be found at and is the brainchild of 41 year old criminal legal aid lawyer, Antonia Okwu aka The Indigo life coach. The website was launched 5 months ago.

The Think Positive 30 Day Challenge is designed to teach people how to use their own inner power to live a more satisfying life. Some of the topics covered by the course include self limiting beliefs, the law of attraction, the use of affirmations, goal setting and balancing energy etc.

Antonia believes that the world is currently undergoing a massive spiritual revolution and that increasingly society is recognising the need to look inward for solutions rather than outwards i.e government, religion, economy, relationships etc. 

Antonia says that in designing the course her goal was "simply to get people from where they are now to where they really want to be" and "to learn how to take real personal responsibility for their lives"

Once the course material has been downloaded and read a few times, participants are then invited to complete a 30 day journal as part of the challenge. Prior to starting the challenge  they make a note of  their specific goals and any self limiting beliefs. They also create or adopt relevant positive affirmations. There are then a number of simple tasks to be completed on a daily basis over the 30 day period which includes keeping a record of how effective they have been in monitoring their thoughts

At the conclusion of the Think Positive Challenge, participants are  issued with  a Think Positive 30 Day Challenge certificate of completion if they  return a copy of their completed 30 day journal.

A full refund ($12.50) is also offered to anyone who having read the course material and completed the   30 Day Challenge is not entirely satisfied that their life has improved as a result.

The course is priced in dollars to reflect the global market targeted by the website. The website linked facebook page has in excess of 14,500 fans made up of people from around the globe including India, UK, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Australia, Iraq, USA, Israel, China, Egypt, Maldives. Ireland, etc.     


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • power of thought
  • think positive
  • positive thinking
  • life coach
  • spiritual life coach
  • law of attraction was launched on 1st August 2012 and  is owned and run by Antonia Okwu who apart from being a qualified life coach (since 2007) is also a qualified reiki level 1 and 2 (usui method) practitioner and a practising lawyer in London.

The aim of is to teach people to use their own inner  power i.e their thoughts, to create their own perfect reality.



Antonia Okwu

Press contact Proprietor all areas 07917 047 286

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