Press release -

Reinvent Christmas @ The Giving Lab Hack Weekend @GoogleCampus Nov 24+25

TheGivingLab launches it's new charity api's in time for the Christmas rush and with our friends at dev4good we're challenging the smartest digital brains to reinvent Christmas for the digital age and to increase donations to Uk charities.

Digital dancing reindeer, a virtual desktop xmas tree, xmas carols on your iPad, the 'pass the parcel' app, virtual christmas service; Christmas is ripe for digital modernisation. 

If you're a developer, designer or entrepreneur come along and pit your brains and skills with other smart people to create smart apps, products, sites and services that make a difference in the world - and put your name on the map.

There's a £1,000 prize for the first app to market that uses the brand new TheGivingLab api's, payable when it takes it's first donation or payment. It could be the perfect Christmas gift ....

The weekend will provide a strong mentorship programme, with people from tech, charity and press, helping teams to achieve their aims and launch a product into real life as fast as possible.

Food, drink and prizes provided. Bring your own elf. 

"The Giving Lab Hack Days are a great way of combining new charity API's with a good cause." - Heidi Noemm - Country Manager UK, MyNewsDesk.

Some More links:
A Reuters interview with The GivingLab founder, Dominic Vallely
More about Dev4Good 

Contact:, 07712 406 778

Related links


  • Innovations, inventions


  • hack days
  • google campus

The GivingLab is a innovation lab for charities aiming to find new ways of giving to charities by API's. 

We like collaborating with inspired fundraising folk, charities, developers, companies, brands to create new interesting, easy, fun ways to encourage people to support great causes. We can help you bring your great ideas to life. Click here to see something we created earlier!


Dominic Vallely

Press contact Director and Founder at

Heidi Harman

Hackathon supremo TheGivingLabs Hack Days Autumn 2012

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