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Mont Blanc

We (Alexey, Andrey, Jane, Misha and I) are going to climb Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in western Europe (4,810 m). This is not going to be a walk in the park! Usually it requires months of preparation and training. Well, we signed up one month before the climb. The training is a challenge on its own. The suggested physical level is to be able to run half a marathon (21.1km) in less than 1:45! I started with 5km two weeks ago and now I'm at 12.5km.

If you want, and can, please support the effort that we dedicate to the training and the climb by donating towards Tree of Hope. Tree of Hope offers hope to the families of sick children in the UK who need specialist medical surgery, treatment, therapy and equipment in order to free them from suffering, giving a better quality to their young lives.

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  • Children, Youth