Press release -


Vision Achievement Limited, the international coaching and mentoring company, has been seeking a new headquarters location for over a year. According to Martin Hedley, Managing Director, “Guildford provides the right balance of business, government and community organisations. Education is excellent and there is a great workforce. The town has good connections to key cities and airports.”

The Authentic Peak Performer Forum was established by Vision Achievement Limited to help people perform at the highest levels they can. It provides a mixture of personal and technical support that is tailored to the individual goals of each person.

Clients of Vision Achievement Limited include supervisors and managers from commerce, government, healthcare, community and education as well as individuals who are making a difference in the community. Public workshops are delivered locally in Guildford, personal coaching is delivered in person or via internet communications.

Using the power and reach of the internet, the Authentic Peak Performer Forum is providing affordable development coaching to emerging leaders in remote parts of the world – delivering world class services to people who cannot normally avail themselves of this level of support.

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  • Media, Communication


  • Berkshire

Vision Achievement was established in New York in 1996 and provides coaching and mentoring services around the world. With experts on four continents clients receive outstanding assistance with a global perspective.