Press release -

It’s personality that counts

Are you a Tommy Teamer, a Karen Conscientious, a Mary Maverick or a Dan Driven?

Posing this question is key to hosting a conference or event in Scotland, according to a leading personality profiles expert.

Chris Elmitt, Managing Director of Crystal Interactive – a specialist audience engagement company – will present the theory to hundreds of delegates at the Business Tourism Scotland Conference at the SECC in Glasgow on Monday 11 November.

Chris will distribute 300 mini iPads to the audience for a unique interactive session, after which delegates, which will include conference and event organisers from throughout Scotland, will have a better understanding of how to make their own events appeal to a wide variety of personality types.

Chris said: “We’re all inclined to assume that everyone thinks the way we do, but the reality is that even in a group of people who seemingly have a lot in common, there will be a wide divergence of opinions and attitudes on the same topic.

“We can segment our audiences into four recognised personality profiles: Karen Conscientious, Tommy Teamer, Mary Maverick and Dan Driven. Understanding and accommodating such a wide range of personality drivers is not only critical to engaging fully with every member of your audience, but on a strategic level it’s key to proving your event’s value and ensuring its ongoing viability.”

Chaired by Stephen Jardine, the Business Tourism Scotland Conference is set to attract more than 300 business people from across the country’s thriving business tourism industry A series of presentations will show how they can use ground-breaking technology and trends to make the most of their events.

An industry steering group has worked closely with VisitScotland, Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow City Marketing Bureau, Marketing Edinburgh, Dundee and Angus Convention Bureau, and Visit Aberdeen to organise the event.

Dr Paul Redmond, who is famous for his studies into generational theory and how businesses can engage effectively with Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and the Millennials, will be among the speakers, as will renowned event producer Clare Amsel, who will join Million Dollar Round Table Director Ray Kopcinski to look at new technology and the importance of businesses realising that ‘the future is now’.

This year’s conference sees the introduction of a ‘Local Heroes’ session, with organisations such as the team behind popular #ScotlandHour and Machrihanish Dunes Golf Club and others showing examples of best practice through collaboration, social media, customer service, people development and sustainability.  And delegates will get an exclusive opportunity to ‘Meet the Buyers’ and find out what business tourism customers are looking for from Scotland.

Neil Brownlee, Head of VisitScotland’s Business Tourism Unit said:

“Business tourism is worth £1.9bn to the Scottish economy, but we must evolve to ensure we stay ahead of our global competitors.  The world is changing and businesses must innovate and reinvent themselves consistently to maximise growth. 

“The line-up at the Business Tourism Conference is simply outstanding.  Everyone attending will find out something they didn’t know before and at exactly the most opportune time – just before Scotland welcomes the world in 2014.”

Linda McPherson, director of Tourism at Scottish Enterprise, said:

"It is entirely appropriate that this conference takes place in Glasgow's Clyde Auditorium, on a site which houses a unique combination of exhibition centre, conference centre and arena.  With the addition of the recently opened SSE Hydro Arena, which we helped fund with a  £25 million grant, Glasgow is now one of only a handful of European cities capable of hosting large-scale international conferences which attract business tourists.

"We know that business tourists stay longer, spend 50% more than a leisure tourist, and tend to travel around Scotland.  Which is why this conference is critical in helping our business tourism companies find new ways to grow their revenue, attract more visitors and expand existing offerings.  It is great to see so many businesses attending on Monday who are keen to explore new business tourism growth opportunities that are out there."

If you would like to send a journalist or photographer to the Business Tourism Conference at the SECC on Monday, please contact: Kate Turnbull, Corporate Press Manager at VisitScotland, on 0131 472 2324 or email


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Notes to Editors:

  • Follow us on twitter: @visitscotnews
  • VisitScotland is Scotland’s national tourism organisation. Its core purpose is to maximise the economic benefit of tourism to Scotland. 
  • The organisation has three key roles:
  1. To market Scotland to all parts of the world to attract visitors
  2. To provide information – and inspiration – to visitors and potential visitors so they get the best out of a visit to Scotland
  3. To provide quality assurance to visitors and quality advice to the industry and partners to help the industry meet and strive to exceed customer expectations
  • VisitScotland works together with tourism businesses to make tourism a success for everyone and ensure the industry continues to grow.
  • The organisation employs 700 people and has offices and VisitScotland Information Centres across Scotland.
  • 2014 is the year Scotland welcomes the world, when it hosts the Glasgow Commonwealth Games, the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles and more than 800 Homecoming events throughout the country.For more information on Homecoming Scotland 2014, go to
  • The VisitScotland Information Centre network is a unique face-to-face channel engaging with around five million visitors and locals each year. Everyone who uses a VisitScotland Information Centre goes on to spend an additional £5.35, generating over £24 million for Scotland’s economy. 
  • According to a recent Deloitte study, tourism employs 270,000 people in Scotland in 20,000 diverse businesses. The same study calculates that the industry contributes £11 billion annually (direct and indirect impact, including day visits) and supports around 10 per cent of employment in Scotland. Almost 16 million tourists take overnight trips to Scotland.
  • Where possible, a Gaelic speaker will be made available for broadcast interviews on request (Far an tèid iarraidh, agus far am bheil sin nar comas, bruidhinnidh neach le Gàidhlig aig agallamh)
  • For holiday information on Scotland go to
  • For information about business tourism in Scotland go to
  • For more information on VisitScotland’s annual review please go to


Chelsea Charles

Press contact Scotland’s Themed Years Communications & Engagement Manager Contact for media enquiries on: Scotland’s Themed Years (i.e. 2018 Year of Young People; 2020 Year of Scotland's Coast and Waters; 2022 Year of Scotland's Stories) 0131 472 2067

Carrie MacWilliam

Press contact Senior Corporate Press Officer - National Contact for media enquiries on: Travel media (Scotland); Year of Young People; UK Marketing; Dundee; Fife; Angus; Perthshire 0131 472 2052

Amelia Whittaker

Press contact Senior Corporate Press Officer - Regional Contact for media enquiries on: South Region; Edinburgh and Lothians; Food and Drink; Scottish Thistle Awards 01750 723806