Press release -

London Zoo ditches plastic water bottles for Water in a Box

ZSL London Zoo has ditched all plastic water bottles and only selling Water in a Box cartons, as part of its new campaign to protect the World’s oceans.

With estimates that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish, ZSL London Zoo has launched ‘Lose your Bottle!’ – a project to raise awareness of the threat of plastics to our oceans.

Kick-starting the campaign by removing all plastic water bottles from its shelves, ZSL London Zoo has made the switch to ‘ocean-friendly’ packaging, with packaged water now only available in Water in a Box’s fully recyclable paper carton.

Plastic pollution is a significant and ever-growing threat to rivers and oceans. Approximately 13 million tonnes of plastic currently enter the ocean each year with devastating effects on marine wildlife. UK consumers alone get through 13 billion disposable plastic bottles per year and only half of these are recycled, with the remainder ending up in landfill and polluting the environment.

Michael Richards, Water in a Box’s Marketing Director commented “Our brand’s powerful environmental proposition is spot on for those concerned by what’s happening to our planet and we’re delighted to partner ZSL to help nail the message to choose paper not plastic, when buying packaged water.”

The lightweight box is 100% recyclable and made from low carbon and naturally renewable and sustainable materials that are sourced responsibly. Unlike plastic bottles, the box and cap do not contain PET. The sugar-free range includes Original, Lemon & Lime, Strawberry and Orange & Peach.

ZSL’s Head of Commercial Kathryn England said: “We welcome more than one million visitors a year to ZSL London Zoo, and that’s one million people we can inspire to help protect the world’s oceans. By removing plastic water bottles from our shelves, we’re not only reducing our own impact on the oceans, but we’re opening our visitors’ eyes to the problem and showing them the alternatives.”

ZSL’s Head of Marine and Freshwater Conservation Dr Heather Koldewey said: “On a recent field trip to Chagos Archipelago marine reserve, one of the world’s most remote island chains, I was deeply shocked to see the amount of plastic water bottles washing up on the beaches from all around the world, showing the impact of our disposable society in even the most pristine places. We need to make a change and it can start by simply using a refillable water bottle. Through projects like ‘Lose your Bottle at ZSL’ and our successful Project Ocean partnership with Selfridges, ZSL is helping to reduce the amount of ocean-bound plastic, and protect the diversity of life beneath the waves.”


  • Drink


  • water
  • sustainability
  • project ocean
  • london zoo
  • environment
  • carton

Water in a Box is the compelling new way to drink water ‘on the go’, whilst also limiting damage to the environment and drinkers’ health.

Water in a Box is pure, natural and eco-conscious spring water that’s boxed at source in Somerset’s ancient and magical Mendip Hills.

The lightweight box is 100% recyclable and made from low carbon and naturally renewable and sustainable materials that are sourced responsibly. Unlike plastic bottles, the box and cap do not contain PET.

The 330ml cartons are available in shelf ready packaging of 12 boxes, and the sugar-free range includes ‘original’, lemon & lime, strawberry and orange & peach.

Water in a Box is targeting regular bottled water drinkers who have an environmental conscience and hate seeing plastic water bottle discarded around the planet. They recognise Water in a Box as the opportunity to quench their thirsts more responsibly, by choosing paper not plastic.

Water in a Box has Global ambition and, having been launched in Tesco in the UK in 2014, has now rolled out into Australia and the Middle East, with ambitions well beyond too.