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Flagship training programme takes Rhyl labourer from bricks to clicks

A former construction worker is aiming to build a new career in the IT world thanks to a grass roots training programme designed to get adults across Wales online.

Labourer and forklift truck driver, Paul Day from Rhyl never saw the need for digital skills during his 15 years in the building trade but a big slump in the industry saw him switch his attention from construction sites to websites after redundancy left him facing an uncertain future.

After months of frustrating unemployment, 53 year old Paul realised that boosting his digital literacy could be the key to re-joining the workforce. He turned to the Welsh Government’s flagship Communities 2.0 locally-based training programme where he has taken to the online world so well that he now works as a volunteer helping other digital novices to get to grips with the keyboard and the mouse. Though he hasn’t yet secured permanent employment, Paul is finding his new computer and internet skills are an extremely valuable tool for job hunting and the foundation for what he hopes will become a whole new career. In the meantime he’s working with Communities 2.0 to help others in his neighbourhood to overcome barriers to the Internet and digital world generally.

Paul is one of 42,000 people across Denbighshire and the rest of Wales to have benefited from the grass roots Welsh Government funded programme that provides free computer training and tailored support in local venues such as libraries and community centres.

After five years primarily focused on Wales EU Convergence areas, the programme is this month being expanded to cover all areas of the country, as the organisers step up their efforts to ensure everyone gains the skills and knowhow to take advantage of the internet and digital technology generally.

Commenting on the new opportunities which have opened up for him, Paul said:

“As a jobseeker, I need to be able to use computers to search and apply for work but I also enjoy learning and helping others to get online. I’ve helped people who’ve never turned a computer on before get to a point where they can format CVs, use Skype to call their family abroad and I’ve even got pensioners set up on Facebook.” When not applying for jobs, or expanding his own skills, Paul can be found at the Marsh Neighbourhood Centre helping others to become competent and confident online.

Tom Kilbourn, the Communities 2.0 digital inclusion officer for Denbighshire, says:

“Paul should be seen as an example to anyone who wants to become digitally literate. Anyone is welcome to join our schemes to learn at their own pace.”

Commenting on the success to date, Cathryn Marcus, Project Director of Communities 2.0, said:

“We are delighted to announce Communities 2.0 is now available in all areas of Wales. To date, thousands who would otherwise remain digitally isolated have now discovered the rewards of being online.

“Connecting pensioners with loved ones living abroad via Skype; helping unemployed people hunt for jobs and; ensuring disabled individuals can live fulfilling lives are just a few examples what is now available to every person in Wales. Now is the time to get online!”

The Welsh Government and European Regional Development Funded programme provides training free of charge to Welsh residents and is delivered through partnerships with public libraries, job centres and community buildings.

Information on free adult ICT session with Communities 2.0 is available from 0845 474 8282 or from local libraries, drop-in centres, post offices or other community venues.


  • Economy, Finance


  • communities 2.0


  • Wales

Communities 2.0

Communities 2.0 is a Welsh Government programme and is part of the Delivering a Digital Wales strategy. Communities 2.0 is delivered by four partner organisations – the Wales Co-operative Centre, Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services, Carmarthenshire County Council and the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling (University of South Wales).


David Madge

Press contact Marketing, Press & Public Affairs Officer Press and Public Affairs. Marketing (primarily Succession and Consortia Project). 01792484005

Catherine Evans

Press contact Marketing Manager Overall responsibility for marketing and communications at the Wales Co-operative Centre 01443 743943

Mark Smith

Press contact Marketing Officer Social Media, Case Studies and Communities 2.0 029 2055 6163