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Wildlife social enterprise snaps up support / Menter gymdeithasol bywyd gwyllt yn cipio cymorth

Two nature conservationists from North East Wales have received support from the Wales Co-operative Centre to set up a social enterprise to help people engage with their local wildlife. The new business, NatureSpy, will use remote cameras to capture images of wildlife in its natural environment. It will use the hidden camera technology to research and protect wildlife and natural habitats as well as using the images to involve and educate local communities.

The directors of NatureSpy are establishing their exciting Wildlife Conservation Project in Wales after running pilot projects in Yorkshire. Their project involves setting up ‘Capture Cameras’ to film wildlife in the area and two of the Directors, James McConnell and Hannah Henshaw are keen to work with young people, single parents and others, particularly those who live in communities with less economic opportunity.

Hannah Henshaw holds qualifications in International Wildlife Biology and Zoological Conservation. She has particular expertise in animal behaviour and a keen interest in bear biology and captive animal behaviour and welfare. She provides scientific guidance to NatureSpy. Her interests in camera trapping include conservation projects and the ability to remotely study animal behaviour.

James McConnell is an expert ‘camera trapper’ and has been using them for many years. He has a degree in International Wildlife Biology. James runs the NatureSpy website and camera trap set-ups. He is particularly interested in the hidden world that camera traps can uncover,

“I think of all the wildlife people never actually see that is often sharing the same space - just when people aren’t using it. Camera traps are a fantastic way to see this wildlife and I’m excited to show people what they’ve been missing”

The business has been set up to engage a variety of social groups and communities in their local green spaces and the wildlife they share them with, with the intention of encouraging involvement, protection and respect for the environment. It also aims to research and conserve wildlife and habitats through study and monitoring. Wales Co-operative Centre business consultant Jayne Mills has supported the new company through the development of their business structure and with advice and training on their roles and responsibilities as company directors. Jayne has also supported the new business with analysis of their Environmental and Equality Management Systems.

The support has been made possible with European Regional Development Funding and funding from Welsh Government. Nature Spy has also been able to access support from Communities 2.0 the Welsh Government’s digital inclusion initiative to receive a complete ICT review for the business.

Hannah Henshaw said,

“The fantastic support from Wales Cooperative Centre means we can now realistically achieve our aims; they’ve made a difficult process much easier”

Jayne said,

“It’s very satisfying to support a business idea like NatureSpy and two committed and focused social entrepreneurs like Hannah and James. In addition to the support already given, the Wales Co-operative Centre has commissioned consultants to help NatureSpy with their business planning so they can develop and grow their business and allow people from across the country to see the hidden natural world that is often right there on their doorsteps”.

The entrepreneurial pair have benefited from support and mentoring from ex-international footballer Kelly Davies, the Chief Executive of Viability, who is also a Director of NatureSpy. Viability is a social enterprise that helps tackle the issues of economic inactivity, youth disengagement and life skills development through commercial sports management. She is a former Wales Social Enterprise Leader of the Year and is currently shortlisted for a Leadership in Business Award.

Menter gymdeithasol bywyd gwyllt yn cipio cymorth

Mae dau gadwraethwr natur o Ogledd Ddwyrain Cymru wedi cael cymorth gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru i sefydlu menter gymdeithasol i helpu pobl i ymgysylltu â’u bywyd gwyllt lleol. Bydd y busnes newydd, NatureSpy, yn defnyddio camerâu pell i gipio delweddau o fywyd gwyllt yn ei amgylchedd naturiol. Bydd yn defnyddio technoleg y camerâu cudd i ymchwilio i fywyd gwyllt a chynefinoedd naturiol a’u gwarchod yn ogystal â defnyddio’r delweddau i gynnwys ac addysgu cymunedau lleol.

Mae cyfarwyddwyr NatureSpy yn sefydlu eu Prosiect Cadwraeth Bywyd Gwyllt cyffrous yng Nghymru ar ôl rhedeg prosiectau peilot yn Swydd Efrog. Mae eu prosiect yn golygu gosod ‘Camerâu Cipio’ i ffilmio bywyd gwyllt yn yr ardal ac mae dau o’r Cyfarwyddwyr, James McConnell a Hannah Henshaw, yn awyddus i weithio gyda phobl ifanc, rhieni sengl ac eraill, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd economaidd ddifreintiedig.

Mae gan Hannah Henshaw gymwysterau mewn Bioleg Bywyd Gwyllt Rhyngwladol a Chadwraeth Sŵolegol. Mae’n arbenigo’n benodol mewn ymddygiad anifeiliaid ac yn ymddiddori’n fawr mewn bioleg eirth ac ymddygiad a lles anifeiliaid mewn caethiwed. Mae’n rhoi arweiniad gwyddonol i NatureSpy. Mae ei diddordebau mewn trapio â chamerâu’n cynnwys prosiectau cadwraeth a’r gallu i astudio ymddygiad anifeiliaid o bell.

Mae James McConnell yn arbenigwr ar ‘drapio â chamerâu’ ac mae wedi bod yn eu defnyddio am nifer o flynyddoedd. Mae ganddo radd mewn Bioleg Bywyd Gwyllt Rhyngwladol. James sy’n rhedeg gwefan NatureSpy a gosodiadau’r trapiau camera. Mae’n ymddiddori’n arbennig yn y byd cudd y gall trapiau camera ei ddadlennu,

“Rwy’n meddwl am yr holl fywyd gwyllt nad yw pobl yn ei weld ac sy’n aml yn rhannu’r un lle â hwy – ond pan nad yw pobl yn ei ddefnyddio. Mae trapiau camera’n ffordd wych o weld y bywyd gwyllt yma ac rwyf wedi cyffroi ynghylch dangos i bobl beth maent wedi bod yn ei golli”

Sefydlwyd y busnes i annog amrywiaeth o grwpiau cymdeithasol a chymunedau i ymgysylltu â’u mannau gwyrdd lleol a’r bywyd gwyllt y maent yn rhannu’r mannau gwyrdd hynny â hwy, a’r bwriad yw annog pobl i chwarae rhan, diogelu a pharchu’r amgylchedd. Nod arall yw ymchwil a chadwraeth bywyd gwyllt a chynefinoedd trwy astudio a’u monitro. Mae ymgynghorydd busnes Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru Jayne Mills wedi bod yn rhoi cymorth i’r cwmni newydd ddatblygu ei strwythur busnes ac wedi bod yn rhoi cyngor a hyfforddiant ar rolau a chyfrifoldebau cyfarwyddwyr cwmni. Mae Jayne hefyd wedi bod yn rhoi cymorth i’r busnes newydd ddadansoddi ei System Reoli Amgylcheddol a’i System Rheoli Cydraddoldeb.

Gwnaed y cymorth yn bosib trwy gyllid o Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae NatureSpy hefyd wedi gallu cael cymorth gan Cymunedau 2.0, sef menter cynhwysiant digidol Llywodraeth Cymru, i gael adolygiad TGCh cyflawn ar gyfer y busnes.

Meddai Hannah Henshaw,

“Mae’r cymorth gwych gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru’n golygu yn awr y gallwn yn realistig gyrraedd ein nodau; maent wedi gwneud proses anodd yn haws o lawer”

Meddai Jayne,

“Mae’n rhoi boddhad mawr cefnogi syniad busnes fel NatureSpy a dau entrepreneur ymrwymedig â ffocws cryf fel Hannah a James. Yn ogystal â’r cymorth a roddwyd yn barod, mae Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru wedi comisiynu ymgynghorwyr i helpu NatureSpy gyda’u proses cynllunio busnes er mwyn iddynt allu datblygu a thyfu eu busnes a galluogi pobl o bob cwr o’r wlad i weld y byd naturiol cudd sy’n aml yno ar drothwy eu drws”.

Mae’r pâr entrepreneuraidd wedi elwa o gymorth a mentora gan y cyn-bêl-droedwraig ryngwladol Kelly Davies, Prif Weithredwr Viability, sydd hefyd yn un o Gyfarwyddwyr NatureSpy. Mae Viability yn fenter gymdeithasol sy’n helpu i fynd i’r afael â materion anweithgarwch economaidd, ymddieithriad pobl ifanc a datblygu sgiliau bywyd trwy reolaeth chwaraeon masnachol. Mae’n gyn-enillydd gwobr Arweinydd Menter Gymdeithasol y Flwyddyn ac mae ar hyn o bryd ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer Gwobr Arweinyddiaeth mewn Busnes.

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  • Economy, Finance


  • social enterprise
  • wales co-operative centre
  • nature spy
  • james mcconnell
  • hannah henshaw


  • Wales

The Wales Co-operative Centre

The Wales Co-operative Centre was set up over thirty years ago and ever since has been helping businesses grow, people to find work and communities to tackle the issues that matter to them. Its advisors work co-operatively across Wales, providing expert, flexible and reliable support to develop sustainable businesses and strong, inclusive communities.

Social Enterprise Support Project. 

The Social Enterprise Support Project is a European Regional Development Fund and Welsh Government Funded Project run by the Wales Co-operative Centre. The project has established more than 250 new Co-operatives and Social Enterprises, helped in excess of four hundred organisations to grow and has been instrumental in directly creating over 250 new jobs across Wales.

Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru

Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru Sefydlwyd Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru ddeng mlynedd ar hugain yn ôl a byth ers hynny mae wedi bod yn helpu busnesau i dyfu, pobl i ddod o hyd i waith a chymunedau i fynd i’r afael â’r materion sydd o bwys iddynt. Mae ei hymgynghorwyr yn gweithio mewn modd cydweithredol ledled Cymru, gan roi cymorth arbenigol, hyblyg a dibynadwy i ddatblygu busnesau cynaliadwy a chymunedau cryf, cynhwysol.

Y Prosiect Cymorth i Fentrau Cymdeithasol.

Mae’r Prosiect Cymorth i Fentrau Cymdeithasol yn Brosiect a Gyllidir gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop a Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n cael ei redeg gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru. Mae’r prosiect wedi sefydlu mwy na 250 o Gwmnïau Cydweithredol a Mentrau Cymdeithasol newydd, wedi helpu dros bedwar cant o sefydliadau i dyfu ac wedi bod yn allweddol o ran creu dros 250 o swyddi newydd yn uniongyrchol ledled Cymru.


David Madge

Press contact Marketing, Press & Public Affairs Officer Press and Public Affairs. Marketing (primarily Succession and Consortia Project). 01792484005

Catherine Evans

Press contact Marketing Manager Overall responsibility for marketing and communications at the Wales Co-operative Centre 01443 743943

Mark Smith

Press contact Marketing Officer Social Media, Case Studies and Communities 2.0 029 2055 6163

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