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Filming The Building Futures Group Summer Boat Party 2014

July is a very exciting time of year for us, not only because there is a chance that we might finally see some sun, but also because we get to film The Building Futures Group summer boat party – a networking event on-board ‘The Dixie Queen’ which sails from Butler’s Wharf along the river Thames to the o2 before turning around and heading back towards the city and under Tower Bridge.

This event offers a very unique opportunity to film an interesting networking event with some breathtaking views.

Our setup

We covered the whole event on two cameras. While Simon was in charge of capturing ‘moments’ to be cut in as B-roll footage, I took care of filming interviews with all eleven sponsors of the event, using a lapel microphone to get clear audio quality in what was a noisy environment. When it came to editing and we put all the footage together, the shots fused together beautifully.

Having two videographers on location proves to be a successful approach time and time again – ensuring that nothing is missed and giving us a strong selection of shots to play around with in post-production which in turn creates a far more compelling video.

An engaging video

We wanted to capture the event in a positive light but also give people an insight of what it means to be a member of The Building Futures Group. The sponsors did a great job in giving us their views and some really positive testimonials, making a video that now serves as a great promotional piece for The Building Futures Group.

We used the scenic boat route to our advantage, filming the buildings of the city, captivating the audience with unusual perspectives of some well-known locations.

To end the video on something that people will remember and talk about, we set up a time lapse which filmed The Dixie Queen sailing towards Tower Bridge, with the bridge opening to let her through. The weather held out for us and all in all this was a very pleasurable event to film and we look forward to next year’s summer boat party.

If you have an event you would like filmed, please get in touch and we can discuss how your next event could be made into a great piece of online marketing. Call our office on 01892 520123 or email

Santiago | Video Production Manager


  • Business enterprise


  • boat party
  • the building futures group
  • interviews
  • production
  • london
  • coverage
  • filming
  • event
  • facilities management


David Taylor

Press contact Head of Social Business 01892 520123

Katie King

Press contact MD 01892 520123