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A New Presentation App for Professionals - Create better project management slideshows, a young new software development company, is now launching a new release of JustPerfect, a presentation app for iPad with a completely different approach. The new version will support iOS 8.4 and add some new functionalities.

JustPerfect uses a completely new approach to speed up the creation of a slideshow. Pre-formatted (fully editable) pages created by experts in the field, give the user to power to create professional slides just from the very beginning.

Main features

Shapes and objects Library

An extensive set of pre-built geometrical shapes (ovals, squares, etc.), placeholders (paragraphs, titles, etc.), objects (picture, table, chart) that can be customised and saved / shared through projects.

Pre-built Templates

More than 100 templates created following the expertise of professional in the field, allow to create slideshows for : Project Management, Sales pitch, SWOT analysis, Executive summaries, Newsletters, Magazines and more...

Personalised interface

Each project or group of projects can share the same formatting (font, text colours, custom templates ).


All the content of a project can be exported, published or shared using encryption. All the information will remain secure particularly while using a public internet connection.

Page Auto-Layout

The content on the page is reformatted according to the tablet orientation automatically and the user can decide whether to publish the slideshow or the document in portrait or landscape.

Team work integration

Versioning is supported and allows a continuos loop between the editor and the rest of the team either locally or remotely located.


JustPerfect is available for iOS from App Store: JustPerfect on Apple Store

The App is also included in a bundle (here) that gathers all the design / presentation apps from

Luise Charts



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  • Technology, general


  • tablet
  • new
  • writing
  • editing
  • publishing
  • versioning
  • virtual team
  • templates
  • design
  • ipad
  • ios 8.4
  • encryption
  • professional slide
  • sales pitch
  • project management
  • presentation
  • slideshow