Press release -

Science Based Health Supplement Company Celebrates Initial Product Success

Green Coffee Bean Extract is today hyped by many as a shortcut to a lean and healthy body without the bother of changing your diet or getting busy in the gym. Entrust Formulas comes from another angle and ads to this view a more balanced and scientific perspective.

"People that are currently in the high risk category for diabetes and heart related disease can benefit from addition of Coffee base supplements", Susan Thomson, a spokesperson for Entrust Formulas said.

"We do of course recommend that our customers consider taking up some additional healthy exercise habits and try adopting a healthy diet." She continues."However, we all seem to be so busy these days and our health and lifestyle tends to bear the brunt of the potential damage we continue to load on ourselves, in a high stress environment."

She adds: "The fact that we are able to supply a safe alternative to an initial change of lifestyle, in the long term often leads to major change, once people start feeling and functioning better."

How about research? 

A number of  research studies have been carried out over many years now, all of which have shown immediate and long term health benefits connected with the consumption of high quality Green Coffee based products. No negative side effects have been found. 

What is Green Coffee Bean Extract?

Coffee beans start their lives as green seeds inside a bright red berry. When roasted the seeds turn brown and receive the characteristic aroma and flavor that coffee lovers crave. Green Coffee Bean Extract is made from the unroasted beans by soaking and then concentrating them to create the extract.

How Entrust Formulas is Different.

"Our first product, released two months ago contains nothing but the active ingredients that have been proven to deliver amazing weight reduction and related benefits." Susan said. "We use trademarked official GCA® - Green Coffee Antioxidant, with 50% Chlorogenic Acid (essential for weight loss support) and our products are made in USA, by an FDA registered food supplement facility, to GMP standard.

Taken twice daily 30 minutes prior to eating, this food supplement can not only aid in reducing excess weight and burn stored fat but also help normalize the blood sugar levels in the body. This is of course one of the main benefits since that will help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes as well as heart related disease. 

"But the main benefit is looking at this supplement as an appetite suppressant " Susan continues. "Most current weight management programs use the same or very similar building blocks and strategies. If and when they work, the explanations are often times obvious. What is starting to happen in more natural weight management programs and even Cognitive behavioural therapy is that additions of appetite suppressant medication is used to counter cravings and emotional eating. Medication that leads to side effects. What we have done is build natural supplements into solid programs, and so far with great results." she concludes.

The Future of Entrust Formulas.

"Entrust Formulas business plan is quite ambitious and we have a number of additional food supplements planned for release this year. However, the company's Scandinavian background means that there are some rather forward thinking, additional products in our pipeline, which will be perfectly positioned to help our clients in a more overall holistic fashion.

So our current clients will soon be offered not only exclusively formulated food supplements but additional aids for living a healthy low stress lifestyle." She concludes.

The company's initial Green Coffee product has already sold out twice during its short life span and recently released their second product in their appetite suppressant 4Lean product series. 

For more information about Entrust Formulas:

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  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals

Entrust Formulas with it´s scandinavian roots has a forward thinking when it comes to holistic approaches and science based solutions for physical and psychological well being. 

Entrust Formulas have a several well received health products on the market and additional services planned for release later this year. So customers and clients will soon be offered not only exclusively formulated food supplements but additional aids for living a healthy, energized and low physical as well as mental stress, lifestyle.