Press release -

FIFA 16 Events

I was invited to the FIFA 13 & FIFA 14 events. I know the YouTubers and streamers as good friends that are currently at the Fifa 16 account, there wasn't a FIFA 15 Event, and I have a little common sense that says EA wouldn't ever pay a YouTuber to promote the game. Think logically,

The YouTuber gets

Free flights

Free accom

Early access to FIFA 16, which is monumental for streams / YouTube

They get a copy of the game for free

They get £1,000 of pounds worth of free FP & Players through the year

They get treated like royalty by one of the biggest companies in the world.

What do EA get

Dedicated gamers who have built their audience around this game

Millions upon millions of impressions (views) for free, which would cost them hundreds of thousands of pounds to get that same volume of impressions through an ad campaign

The ability to screen videos before they go live (which they do, incase of misinformation or glitches that they don't want the public to buy Fifa 16 coins, because hey, this isn't the full build of the game, even though it's the full game)

They get to be seen as "the good guy" for a change.

Both parties already benefit MASSIVELY from this, so why would they then also need to pay the youtubers. You can be as ignorant as you wish, but I assure you with 100% conviction, that these guys in vancouver did not get paid for their troubles.


  • Media, Communication


  • fifa 16