Press release -

FIFA 16: no actual gameplay yet

The keepers are probably one of the hardest balances in a football game. They can have the keepers cheat and save everything on target. But you then have to balance up the need to have goals in games. These aren't exact simulators. You have the keepers playing stupidly good every game and it's 0-0 every game.

The real reason is that they are happy that people keep preordering. And if they show the gameplay with little to no-improvements, people might get upset, and it might hinder the cashflow (I might be wrong but we know I'm probably right). As long as pack opening animation post gets 260+ upvotes why bother with gameplay?

Everything I've heard about it so far tells me it's the same old story. Not to be rude here but what the fans need is not the ability to play womens teams. What the fans need is FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Coins. It would be nice if EA for ONCE could say like : "We know the keeper in FIFA 15 was shit, and we're going to rectify that in the new version, so that YOU, the hardcore fan, get value for your money". But no, all they do is figure out schemes that sells more copies and hopefully all of them get addicted to opening packs in FUT.

My prediction of the future is that FIFA will change name to FIFA Ultimate team, and be a free to play/pay to win-game where all you can do is play UT or career mode. Of course, I definetly hope I'm proven wrong and it might be far fetched, but it would not surprise me really.

Just about exactly the same thing I stated in a different thread. My statement was that if EA didnt make shitloads of money for free on FUT, maybe they would be forced to actually make a great game, for the simple reason that they had to.

According to some people at Gamescom EA are not allowing people to record any gameplay. People can play it at the booths but using cameras is prohibited. I think the only game EA is allowing is Need for Speed.

I'm sure some people will manage to do so with it being such a large event and staff can't keep an eye on everyone.

Well if you pre-order they already made a sale but you have no idea how good or bad the end product is. However since they already sold you the item, they have much less incentive to make it good. Since they already sold it. Any incentive you have to make a good product because there is competition becomes void if you pre-order. You are buying a promise also there are handfull examples of broken releases

Cause the gameplay will more than likely be the exact same as the past few years with a slightly lighter or darker shading of colors. And if everyone sees and realizes that, they'll lose a lot of money on unsold copies of FIFA 16.


  • Cultural environment protection


  • fifa 16