Press release -

FIFA 16: the Refs

Personally I dont conceed many penalties. Reason? I dont barge in to shouldertackles in the box. Or any tackle for that Fifa 16 account. It all has to be maticulously timed, and you have to be really carefull in the box this year.

People conceeded a lot of penalties in 15 as well, because of the fact that holding circle ended up as a shirt pull. It's just something that the FIFA community have to get used to.

However, I do think the ref blows for a few too many free kicks, and does not at all understand how the offside rule or the advantage rules works. That need to be improved but I wouldnt get my hopes up. It's been that way for yeaaaars.

You know, I think the biggest issue here is that it is so different than FIFA 15. Yes, I agree the rate is a little bit high, but I find this more realistic. Basicly in 15, you could do almost any body tackle you wanted in the box and it would never result in a penalty. Thats not the case in 16. Running into people in the box, body blocking them, shoving them over can, more often than not result in a penalty and I find that more realistic.

Also, in real life there are many penalties conceed unintentionally that feels unfair. "i was just standing there" you said... still a penalty. Like you said, that can be the case in FIFA. You didnt touch anything, but your opponent actually did, and got rewarded for it. Maybe you should have done something?

I think as soon as people are getting used to how it works, they wont have that much of a problem with it. fut16coin rarely conceed any penalties at all, because i am really carefull how i defend in the box. I cant do it like in FIFA 15 anymore. And I actually like the challenge of it.

Also, remember that the playing field should be fairly equal as far as the ref goes. If you are conceeding lots of penalties and your opponents arent, have you considered that you might be doing something wrong?

If you play a ton of games the ref should suck 50% against you and 50% for you. its a bug that is existing for everybody. so in the long term it should be even. it sounds like the ref is only against reddit users.


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  • fifa 16