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My Experiences of FIFA 16 demo

I downloaded the FIFA 16 demo about a week ago and wanted to know if anybody else in this subreddit has and their thoughts. I think that there's been really good improvement gameplay-wise, you can now defend much better, it's a lot more difficult to pass a through ball, and I can finally play as Messi. Messi is unstoppable in the game, it's just impossible to get the ball of him. Well done, EA, also they've improved a lot of animations like when protesting to the referee. But there's one bad thing, and that is no touch dribbling. It's a very good idea, but it just feels unnatural, I they improve the animations of it for the final game. What do you think about it? PS: Goalkeepers are much better now.

The general point though is that I'd like to see flat out more emphasis on specific stats. While I get that they really want to give the game an organic feel, I'd like to see players with excellent stats really stand out more. Guys who are blisteringly quick should not be caught as often as they are, and guys with top shelf vision should be able to pull off better passes more often. I think that this would prompt more strategy utilization in the game, and really force players to think about how their teams are set up more Fifa 16 coins. As is, it's unfortunately seemingly more rigged to cater to overall stats rather than individual stats, and I think shifting that towards individual would really make for a more engaging challenge for the player.

I downloaded both PES and FIFA demos, and I thought FIFA played amazing. It's far more a realistic simulator than PES, which I prefer. The players have way more momentum and plays way more natural. PES feels far more like an arcade soccer game. You can receive a long aerial pass and jungle the ball off the volley before finally putting it on the grass and taking off at a dead sprint. This years FIFA plays much closer to how the sport actually plays. Watching a game of PES looks nothing like how a game actually looks.

I've played over 25 matches on the FIFA demo at word class and legendary, and I'm super excited for it. We are finally getting a next gen soccer game. Despite all my nay saying a few months ago, I think we are going to get the best FIFA release we've had in a long time.

The last 2 demos I feel have been really good, I think 13 I HATED it and seriously considered not buying the game.

Women's games feel really slow and sluggish and bad to play, but men's feel like an improvement from last year. No touch dribble is a good addition, and can create interesting attacks. New celebrations with cameraman are great, and making players come over to corner ones is a nice addition.

I couldn't string passes together because they were constantly being intercepted, but my players didn't intercept a single ground pass in my 4 games. I think I had 2 successful slide tackles. Every match felt like a badly scripted CM match. Since I don't want to exclusively whine, I thought the goalies were much better, and a few animations were improved. I also thought the defensive drop-steps improved movement, but again, they only seem to work for the Fifa 16 coins ios. My hope is that I'm being over-dramatic and I can get used to the gameplay, but right now it seems like all of the problems that I had with 15 are back in full force. I'm still optimistic, but it seems like I may be simming a fair few matches. I'll have to play a bit more later and see if my perception changes.


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