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Scalado camera technology to revolutionize the art of storytelling

Harvard College Tech Review published an interesting article and take on Scalado Remove, where "Camera technology to revolutionize the art of storytelling". Zehra Naz of Harvard College Tech Review writes:

-"Harvard Square receives roughly 8 million tourists per year, nearly every one with a smartphone or camera in hand. Many of their pictures, however, are marred by students hurrying to class. Using Scalado’s Photo Remove technology, tourists would simply be able to pose for pictures by the famous John Harvard Statue and shoot photos without having to wait for the path to clear. They could easily touch and delete away unwanted persons from the shot. Once this new technology actually becomes widely implemented in cell-phone cameras, waiting for passersby to clear your sights will become a thing of the past. Anyone will be able to take highly personalized shots even among large, mobile crowds."

Ramona Emerson at Huffington Post also wrote about this:
-"With Remove, imaging technology company Scalado brings us one step closer to a world in which our photographs aren't so much record of where we were as they are a representation of what we would have liked that place to be."

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  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • sweden
  • video
  • history
  • innovation
  • photo
  • mobile
  • mobile device
  • mobile imaging
  • rewind
  • huffington post
  • harvard college tech review
  • remove
  • scalado


Fadi Abbas

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