Press release -

Taj Pabla – Giving Back to the Community This Holiday Season

You may know Taj Pabla as a famous model and actor, but there is much more to the story than that. Taj Pabla feels extremely blessed to have enjoyed so much success, and he is as committed to giving back to the community as he is to his craft. 

That means that gorgeous model and actor Taj Pabla will be working hard this holiday season - not only on the screen and on the runway but in the homeless shelters as well. This year Taj Pabla will be celebrating the true spirit of Thanksgiving by helping to serve dinner to the homeless. He will also be celebrating the spirit o the giving by donating toys to children in need. Taj knows that there is nothing as special as a child's face on Christmas morning, and he is proud to play a small part in putting those smiles on the faces of children who might otherwise not get a gift this holiday season.

Taj Pabla puts it all in perspective by recounting how blessed he has been. As Taj says - "I look around and I have everything. So why should I be selfish? So this year instead of getting I am going to give to the needy. I am serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless and working on putting smiles on kids' faces at Christmas by donating toys."

Taj Pabla updated his Facebook status on November 22 to share his holiday plans with his fans and urge others to follow in his footsteps. As Taj said in his status update - "This holiday season I'm going to help the people in need. So this Thanksgiving I'll be serving the homeless. I am thankful for everything I have. I know sometime I could be selfish, but this year I'm going to do things from the heart and help the less fortunate."

So just what will Taj Pabla be getting in return for his charitable endeavors this holiday season? Taj will be getting something much more valuable than mere baubles and presents - he will be getting the joy that only comes from helping others. He will enjoy the warmth and satisfaction of knowing he has helped put smiles on the faces of children and a full meal in the stomachs of those who might otherwise go hungry this holiday season. 

In fact, Taj Pabla is getting so much satisfaction from helping others that he is not about to stop. He has much more to give - and he can't wait to give back to the community and help those who have blessed his life. Taj is looking forward to launching a new non-profit devoted to helping kids in poor countries get the education they need to enjoy a better and more fulfilling life.

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  • Cinema, Film, Photo


  • smiles
  • giving back
  • holiday
  • community
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  • entertainment



Press contact Management of Taj Pabla Booking and Career Manager

Sandra Cochran

Press contact Manager Management of artist career