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Why Are So Many Building Owners Loosing Out On Millions Of Dollars In Increased Cash Flow?

Real estate tax expert, Julio Gonzalez, founder of Engineered Tax Services, (ETS) is on a mission to create tremendous wealth preservation nationwide by helping his clients collect millions of dollars in unrealized tax incentives. Gonzalez, along with his team of licensed engineers, utilize their expert knowledge to depreciate client's buildings in the most advantageous way, and implement additional strategies to help you significantly increase your cash flow.

Lack of awareness of valuable tax advantages has left building owners across the country sitting on millions of dollars. The issue stems from the fact that only a small percentage of tax professionals understand the science behind Gonzalez's strategies. Indeed, marrying the science of engineering with the principles of tax, and accounting, to arrive at financial solutions that result in increased cash flow, minimized tax payments, and maximum return on investment and energy, is a strategy that has only been available to clients of the Big 4 accounting firms, and Top 100 corporations. Now, Gonzalez, along with his team of engineers at ETS, are offering their valuable service to all, and taking it a step further by helping their real estate investors by certifying their energy upgrades that also qualify for substantial tax benefits.

These IRS-sanctioned services include cost segregation and ETS is offering qualifying individuals a free analysis. 

The “Next Generation” Cost Segregation Study

Through their cost segregation studies, ETS works to uncover potential tax savings, and increases cash flow through reclassification and depreciation of property. ETS provides a “Detailed Engineering” review as part of their reporting process and works seamlessly with the IRS and your CPA firm for minimal disruption to your business.

If you’re looking for ways to increase revenue for your business, Engineered Tax Services will show you how to take advantage of significant tax benefits with a free cost segregation study

What is Cost Segregation?

A cost segregation study is a federal income tax tool that increases your near term cash flow, in the form of a deferral, by utilizing shorter recovery periods to accelerate the return on capital from your investment in property. Whether newly constructed, purchased or renovated, the components of your building may be properly classified through a cost segregation study into shorter recovery periods for computing depreciation. The study carves out (into 5, 7, and 15 year lives) certain qualifying portions of your building that are normally buried in 39 or 27.5 year categories.

The following identifies what Engineered Tax Services will provide within your study:
Evaluate your current tax status and future business plans to determine the applicability of a Cost Segregation Study specifically for your project.
Evaluate the building’s construction costs by component or systems.
Review the project’s/facility’s construction documents, including as-built drawings and project specifications.
Visit the facility/project to determine and identify how the components and systems are utilized – as well as to document the systems and components.
Provide a “Detailed Engineering” review of the assets including special purpose mechanical and electrical systems, decorative finishes, site improvements, and any process related to special purpose construction.
Classify or reclassify each building component into the appropriate tax life as prescribed by IRS guidelines
Identify and allocate indirect costs to each asset.
Complete a written report with the asset detail supporting the reclassification's and completion of the necessary tax form(s).

Do You Qualify?

Qualifying properties usually follow these parameters:

  • New Construction
  • Purchase or Acquisition
  • Over $500,000
  • Properties with large amounts of added features, high-end finishes, and components necessary to operate

Cost segregation is just one of ETS' winning strategies that will help their clients realize potentially millions of dollars in unrealized tax incentives. More information can be found at

About Engineered Tax Services:

Engineered Tax Services, Inc. (ETS) was founded by Julio P. Gonzalez. Julio saw the need for a company that could provide services to CPA firms, business owners, and commercial property owners to utilize specialty tax incentives previously available only to Big 4 accounting firms and Top 100 corporations. His vision encompassed a way to allow clients the utilization of tax incentives that could increase cash flow, expand service offerings, retain competitive advantage, and provide all of these consultative services under one roof.

Even better, his vision was to create a company that provided a valuable service both to its clients and their surrounding community. ETS is a professionally licensed engineering firm providing a broad range of engineering based services – from top 100 firms to small “ma-and-pop” businesses. ETS has over 100 employees dedicated to this industry. ETS completes hundreds of studies each month for firms across the country.


  • Architecture


  • tax incentives
  • increased cash flow
  • tax
  • cost segregation
  • engineered tax services
  • real estate
  • green
  • engineering