Press release -

Beware So called Carbon Monoxide Lawyers

Lawyers are struggling as much as anyone else in the economic down turn so can we blame them for chancing their arm at any old personal injury case? Well, in our opinion they are to blame for not having their clients best interests at heart. Some of the low end law firms will take on any case because they need the work, the long and short of this is that the client is left high and dry. We have worked on cases where the lawyer has turned down a case based on evidence that they feel is not commensurate with a carbon monoxide related injury. When we look at the case the reasons given are the very reasons why the lawyer should pursue a case.

It's a little like taking a top of the range automobile to a cycle store and when you get your car back, not only is it in a heck of a state but the warrantee has run out. The cycle store doesn't have any work so they'll accept the work with open arms but completely screw it up.

We are looking at really complex issues that need a high degree of understanding, not everyone is capable of taking such a case on. They do not know who to turn to medically — from a toxicological, neuropsycological or hyperbaric perspective. Even if they do, they can't interpret the information to make the case. Don't be fooled either into thinking that this is just a small firm mentality, IT IS NOT.  We have recently resurrected a case from the one of the largest state law firms. They have turned down a case for some of the reasons given earlier and they have had a paralegal run a case and give opinions on medical sequilae. The case is a mess but it has been filed in court and has had a good deal of discovery done, for this reason the law firm are very reluctant to give up the case. The simple reason being, in our opinion, is that if a lien is placed on the case by a third party lawyer, when it came to the settlement the subsequent prosecuting lawyer would contest the work done and this would itself result in a protracted law suit.

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Carbon monoxide the silent menace, are you being affected.


Rob Aiers

Press contact Communications Director Communication 1 888 414 8680