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Readership record for the travel magazine FREEDOMtravel

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Readership record for the travel magazine FREEDOMtravel

The Swedish digital travel magazine FREEDOMtravel broke readership records in July 2022, and had over 130,000 unique visitors during the month. It is clear that the Swedes want to read about destinations and get holiday tips, both regarding Sweden and destinations abroad.

"All time high"

Between July 1 and 31, 2022, the digital travel magazine FREEDOMtravel was visited by roughly 133,000 unique visitors, according to the statistics tool Google Analytics. During the period, the magazine had almost 260,000 page views. This is an "all time high" for the magazine, which usually has around 90,000 unique visitors/month.

The travel magazine reaches independent travelers

The digital magazine is aimed at independent travelers who travel by camper, caravan, car, motorcycle or boat, or who take the flight or train to the destination and once there go on excursions on their own.

Both women and men read the magazine, and during July the gender distribution was so even that the readers consisted of 50.7 percent women. The magazine usually attracts mainly middle-aged and older readers, but during the summer of 2022 an increasing proportion of younger readers also found their way in, and the distribution was relatively even in the age groups from 25 years and up to 65+, with a slight extra emphasis on the oldest target group.

The magazine is written in Swedish and therefore it is natural that most of the readers are in Sweden. During July, 91 percent of readers logged in from Sweden, while just over three percent logged in from our Nordic neighboring countries. In addition, the magazine was read by Swedes abroad, mainly in Germany, Croatia, the USA, Italy, France and Spain.

Both Swedish and foreign destinations attract

The statistics show that both vacation in Sweden and trips abroad attract readers. During July, it was very popular to read about Swedish destinations. Many people read the magazine's city guides to Swedish cities and towns, and it was also popular to read about various Swedish excursions.

It is also clear that Swedes are once again looking for inspiration and tips about travel destinations abroad. At FREEDOMtravel, an extra big interest was noticed during July in reading about travel destinations in Germany, even though there was interest in many different destinations, mainly in Europe.

New articles every day

On the travel magazine freedomtravel.se, a new report is published every morning at 06:00. You can also get updates by following @freedomtravelnews on Instagram as well as @freedomtravelnews on Facebook.

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Det digitala resemagasinet FREEDOMtravel inspirerar till resor, äventyr och camping i Sverige och världen. Magasinet startade 2009 och har idag runt 90 000 unika besökare/månad och 1,5 miljoner sidvisningar/år enligt Google Analytics. Sammanlagt finns över 3600 inspirerande artiklar på svenska, och varje dag publiceras ett nytt reportage. Sedan 2021 ger FREEDOMtravel dessutom varje år ut ett fysiskt sommarmagasin, som delas ut i 100 000 ex på campingar i Sverige.

Läs mer på www.freedomtravel.se


Peter Bergström

Peter Bergström

Presskontakt VD och Ansvarig utgivare +46769414041 FREEDOMtravel
Helena Bergström

Helena Bergström

Presskontakt Chefredaktör +46739404542 FREEDOMtravel
Micke Tjälldén

Micke Tjälldén

Presskontakt Mediesäljare +46705970212 Tjälldén Media

Digitalt magasin om resor, äventyr och camping

FREEDOMtravel publicerar nya artiklar varje dag, för att inspirera till resmål och upplevelser i Sverige och världen.


Karlbergs strand 6D
17173 Solna