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A new treatment strategy against type 2 diabetes receives SWElife grant

A discovery project at University of Gothenburg receives 1 MSEK research grant from Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, for developing a new treatment against type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing with epidemic proportions. There are over 382 million people living with diabetes today and by 2035 this number is expected to grow to 592 million. Docent Margit Mahlapuu has, together with GU Ventures as project coordinator, received 1 MSEK from the 2016 SWElife program to continue the development of first-in-class anti-diabetic drug based on small molecule antagonists of a novel key mediator - serine/threonine protein kinase 25 (STK25).

The Vinnova grant will enable Dr. Mahlapuu to intensify the development of the drug candidates, to secure intellectual property rights, and to commercialize the project. The project will be performed in collaboration with industrial partner Sprint Bioscience, who is responsible for developing the inhibitors. The aim is to demonstrate, using well-characterized small molecule antagonists, that an inhibition of STK25 is efficient anti-diabetes treatment.

- "My research over the last 10 years has focused on the role of STK25 in metabolic regulation. Funding by Vinnova will now give us an excellent opportunity to apply our knowledge to develop highly efficient candidate drug and to take the project one step closer toward clinical applications in T2D and related metabolic disease" commented Dr. Mahlapuu.

- "We look forward to this exciting collaboration with Dr. Mahlapuu, which enables to integrate drug development and innovative academic research” commented Tobias Ginman, project leader at Sprint Bioscience.

- "We are pleased to be working with Dr. Mahlapuu and Sprint Bioscience on this exciting project which has the potential to improve the lives of millions of type 2 diabetics. The SWELife funding is a great boost to the project" commented Lorna Fletcher, business developer at GU Ventures.

For further information, please contact:

Dr. Margit Mahlapuu, Phone +46 706310109




About Sprint Bioscience AB

Sprint Bioscience AB is part of the new Swedish drug development industry. The company has the goal of improving the time- and resource-efficiency of developing drug candidates for the global pharmaceutical market within the cancer and diabetes areas. Sprint Bioscience is based in Stockholm. Sprint Bioscience is listed on First North Premier, trading under the ticker SPRINT.

For additional information, www.sprintbioscience.se.

About Vinnova

Vinnova is Swedish innovation agency, which promotes sustainable growth by funding needs-driven research and stimulating collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector. Vinnova is also the national contact agency for the EU framework programme for research and innovation.

*The strategic innovation programme SWElife is a national initiative to coordinate and develop stable research and innovation processes for Swedish life science.

About GU Ventures

GU Ventures AB is fully owned by the Swedish government and is managed since 1998 by the University of Gothenburg. For additional information, www.ventures.gu.se.


Margit Mahlapuu

Margit Mahlapuu

Academic Founder +46 706310109

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