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Photo: Felix Gerlach
Photo: Felix Gerlach

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The starting point for research at HSB Living Lab.

The research for sustainable accommodation has been initiated. This was celebrated by researchers from all over the world telling us about their visions and goals. Helene Hellmark Knutsson, Minister for Higher Education and Research, delivered the inaugural speech, which highlighted the importance of the collaboration between industry and the academy.

- The development of Swedish research is extremely central for the country. Through this good example of an open research arena, there are now opportunities for introducing important residential innovations on the market faster. It is my hope that more will take after this form of collaboration and invest in the future of good accommodation, says Helene Hellmark Knutsson.

Almost 200 people visited HSB Living Lab at Chalmers in Gothenburg. For three hours, they were given the opportunity to take part in the research that is taking place in the experiment building. Here there were demonstrations of the future Laundry Studio, an integrated laundry and social area, and the new innovation BioBlender that separates water from kitchen compost and makes it possible to compost on one's private balcony. There was also a presentation of the building's district heating return system that saves energy and money. Many were also fascinated by the twelve planned holes in the façade. The interchangeable wall modules are one of the many examples of HSB Living Lab's large research potential.

- Thanks to the ability to test new wall systems as well as insulation and cladding materials periods of up to ten years, we now have the best conditions for the successful development of sustainable solutions for the future. For me as a researcher, the interchangeable wall modules in HSB Living Lab are equivalent to the idea that we must have access to 120 houses to test on. It is a great opportunity, says Angela Sasic Kalagasidis, associate professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.

HSB Living Lab was ready for occupation on 1 June. Students and guest researchers live here at the same time as research takes place around the clock. The guests were given the opportunity to visit the students' homes and see how a 12 square meter flat, or a 47 cubic meter flat which is the preferred description of the private flat, can feel so spacious and light. Rebecca Eurenius shares a kitchen, bathroom, living room and balcony with five other students. She is proud and pleased to have been selected to live in the building.

- For me personally, it is important to be able to contribute to the research which will hopefully result in new innovations and solutions for the future of accommodation. The fact that they measure everything we do and how we move about does not bother me at all. It is just fun to be a part of it and do my part for a sustainable world, says Rebecca Eurenius, resident of HSB Living Lab and student at HDK in Gothenburg.

The HSB Living Lab collaboration consists of twelve partners from industry and the academy. They have a common focus on the accommodation. Just collaboration is considered central. This makes it possible to both obtain resources for a relevant research platform and to have access to knowledge and experience from other industries in the housing sector.

- For us at HSB Göteborg, participation in HSB Living Lab means a great deal. Being able to operate in a research arena where people actually live for periods of up to ten years is quite unique. Here we are allowed to test and fail to then succeed, says Lars Göran Andersson, CEO HSB Göteborg.

During the autumn of 2016, at least fifteen research projects will be started up. The majority of new innovations should arrive within the course of one year. Here, the purpose of HSB Living Lab is to create sustainable housing of the future, and the goal is to speed up the process of introducing accommodation innovations from the current ten years to only two years.

If you would like to know more, contact:
Stefan Andersson, Project Manager HSB Living Lab, + 46 705 80 59 90
Shea Hagy, Research Manager at HSB Living Lab +46 709 84 70 67
Cecilia Lööf, Communications Manager HSB Living Lab, +46 707 21 51 77


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Join our journey towards the housing of the future.
HSB Living Lab constitutes a journey towards the housing of the future. The concept of a living lab for conducting research on a sustainable housing environment was born in 2010 and has now become a reality in 2016. Students, HSB members and researchers will live here at Chalmers in order to test innovations and technical solutions intended for next-generation housing. 33 people will live in 29 flats equipped with measuring stations and 2,000 sensors in a constantly changing building whose walls, façades and furnishings will be developed as the research progresses. HSB Living Lab is a cooperative project run by 12 collaborators and constitutes a unique arena for creating the sustainable housing environments of tomorrow


Jens Holmberg

Jens Holmberg

Presskontakt PR- och kommunikationsansvarig +46 70 721 50 11

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HSB Göteborg

Sven Hultins plats 2
400 32 Göteborg