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De­ve­lop your next elec­tro­nic de­sign easi­ly, all in one tool, all in one pro­ject-file.
De­ve­lop your next elec­tro­nic de­sign easi­ly, all in one tool, all in one pro­ject-file.

Nyhet -

New version of TARGET3001! Now the V20 is here with Push&Shove.

NEW: V20 released (Dec. 2018):

  • Push&Shove: When routing a new track, neighboring tracks are pushed aside, if necessary.
    Neighbors of the neighbor follow like a cascade. Spacing rules are obeyed.
  • Move vertices to the grid/add any point to the grid: Push&Shove has put some tracks out of
    the grid? No problem:
    Drag vertices back to the grid by adding the [Shift] key. Or you would generate additional grid
    points just at the spot where you are.
  • Selecting track segments: With [Shift] and [Ctrl] as usual in Windows select either "all inbetween"
    or  just the first and last highlighted track segment.
  • Design Rule Check: The check for minimum spacings was significantly accelerated.
  • Air wires: Number of air wires - A useful little feature to plan and calculate you routing activities.

You can order until 31.12.2018 and save the ex­clu­sive 20% Christ­mas dis­count. Please note: Our office
is closed from 24.12.2018 to 04.01.2019 so the delivery will be after that.





Karoline Ljung

Presskontakt +46 (0)40 53 66 23

Leverantör av CNC-maskiner, lineära enheter, aluminiumprofiler, gejder, motorer, PCB-prototyping, CNC-fräsverktyg samt Dentalfräsverktyg och Dentalfräsmaskiner CAD/CAM

Solectro AB har ett brett kunskapsområde och verksamheten omfattas av försäljning och service av CNC-maskiner, tjänster och komponenter inom automation, CNC-fräsverktyg, PCB-prototyping samt dentalverktyg och Dentalfräsmaskiner CAD/CAM. Vi hjälper er med utveckling och byggnation av kundanpassade maskiner, specialmaskiner och komplettlösningar.

Solectro AB

Tenngatan 6-8
234 35 LOMMA