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Leaf growing out of purple kohlrabi.
Leaf growing out of purple kohlrabi.

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​The Future of Food & Drink - An exhibition on future visions, health trends and climate-friendly cuisine.

Take a giant step into the world of futurology. What kinds of foods will we be eating in the future? Will meatballs still be on the menu, or will leftover salad, lab milk and insect burgers be part of our daily diet?

Starting 7 February, Spritmuseum presents “The Future of Food & Drink”, an exhibition for everyone who’s curious about what we will be eating tomorrow, how to prepare for the future of food, and why food matters to the climate.

The exhibition will stand 7 February – 30 November 2019.

- This exhibition is important to everyone, and that’s why we have chosen to include material for younger visitors: children and youth – the people who actually represent the future, says Spritmuseum director Ingrid Leffler. A fun and exciting choice.

The exhibition looks at contemporary health trends, but also takes a look back at the science fiction food visions of the 1950s, as well as having a go at predicting the foodstuffs and the world thirty years into the future.

Science fiction food
In the 1950s, American visionaries dream of agriculture in space and in the ocean. In Social Democratic Sweden, by contrast, our future fare is industrially produced frozen and convenience foods – the status items of the era, and a godsend for working women.

“Eating is the new religion”
Rarely have people been as food-fixated as they are today. Food has become an identity and a lifestyle. Yesterday’s prophets could scarcely have imagined that we would be photographing our food before digging in. Researchers say today’s strict dietary rules are a substitute for religion – the problem is, the number of rules and recommendations seems endless.

Ants on the menu
There’s no denying that what we eat and how we produce food and beverages has an impact on the climate and our future in a way that is unparalleled in history. This exhibition raises questions about what we will find on our plates in the near future, how to ensure there’s enough food for a growing population, and whether our protein will come mostly from plants and insects.

The theme of the exhibition will also be reflected in the museum’s programmes and restaurant offerings.

Spritmuseum is presenting the exhibition with support from Änglamark, Sweden’s leading sustainable products brand, and Konsumentföreningen Stockholm. Sustainability and the food we consume are central to the mission of both organisations.

Note Design Studio was given the job of creating a provocative exhibition with an optimistic view of the future. Focusing on earth tones and materials, they have constructed a poetic temporal journey through the realm of food and drink.

Save the date
Press showing: 6 February 2019.

Press inquiries, please contact:
Matilda Ivarsson, Director of Communications

About Änglamark
The Änglamark brand was launched in 1991 at the initiative of Coop members desiring a bigger, better range of organic products. Under the motto “Careful selections – wise exclusions”, Änglamark has raised the percentage of organic products sold at Coop to over 10% in 27 years, making Coop the industry leader.

About Konsumentföreningen Stockholm
Konsumentföreningen Stockholm, the Stockholm Consumer Cooperative Society, is one of Coop’s primary owners. Their mission is to make Coop as beneficial as possible for their 800,000 members. The key that unlocks member special offers is the Coop card. They are convinced that together, we can help create a more sustainable society.


Spritmuseum, situated between a shipwreck and an amusement park, offers visitors an unforgettable journey, from desire to despair, from the park bench to the cocktail party. Spritmuseum’s restaurant, dock and arbour enhance the museum’s efforts in creating a unique intersection of food, drink, art, and history.

For the past five years, chef Petter Nilsson of the critically acclaimed La Gazzetta Restaurant in Paris has been in charge of Spritmuseum’s restaurant. Petter has a unique ability to combine artistic culinary experiences with simplicity and accessibility, coming up with new approaches to classic Swedish dining traditions. Spritmuseum enjoys a fantastic location near Wasahamnen Marina on the island of Djurgården, with views of Kastellholmen Island and Södermalm Heights.


Molly Hultkvist

Presskontakt Marknads- & kommunikationsansvarig PR & kommunikation 0812131307

Välkommen till Spritmuseum

Museum, konsthall, provningsrum, mötesplats, bar, restaurang, uteservering och butik. Välkomna till Spritmuseum i Galärskjulen på Djurgården i Stockholm.

Spritmuseum & Absolut Art Collection

Djurgårdsstrand 9
115 21 Stockholm Stockholm