Inspirationslunch - commercetools

Tid 22 Maj 2018 11:30 – 13:00

Plats Valtech Hantverkargatan 5 Kungliga Myntet

Welcome to the Post-Web-Era: There is no doubt, Brands and Manufacturers have to master the new & emerging customer touchpoints to stay ahead of the crowd.

The classic "Webshop" has lost its importance. New technology and devices are changing the way we purchase, B2C and B2B. Rapidly build new business models represent a great opportunity to every business to gain a competitive edge in their market.

In his presentation, Andreas Rudl, Head of Marketing commercetools, presents exciting customer cases from the car, retail, food and recycle industry. He explains how businesses using commercetools, one of the most modern commerce platforms*, rapidly build, test and, implement new business models utilizing new touchpoints like voice, chatbots and IoT to drive innovation and disrupt their markets.

* Forrester Wave, Gartner Magic Quadrant

Commercetools is a next-generation software technology company that offers a multi-tenant, cloud-native commerce platform, providing the building blocks for the post-web era. Just right for building innovative shopping experiences across all touchpoints: web, smartphone, POS, voice, IoT devices, AR/VR, car commerce and many more.


Pernilla Lithander

Event Coordinator Tech Girl