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"I strive to learn as much as possible and not be afraid of trying new things".

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"I strive to learn as much as possible and not be afraid of trying new things".

Swecare is an exciting workplace where new things happen every day. We believe in bringing in new mindsets and young talent. Therefore, we are delighted to have welcomed our second intern!

Meet our intern Louise. Student from the Swedish Defence University, Stockholm

What do you do here at Swecare?
As an intern, I participate in daily meetings, exciting projects and internal strategic marketing efforts which all contribute to Swecares vision regarding a sustainable and equal health worldwide.

Tell us about your typical day?
As Swecare is a foundation with various different actors and companies, the “typical day” changes accordingly. However, currently Swecare is engaged in several exhibitions during the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU regarding cancer and antibiotic resistance. This entails tasks such as participating in meetings, coordination efforts and assisting participants.

Where do you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration comes from constantly and repeatedly wanting to learn more, and never being fully satisfied with the knowledge I acquire. I strive to learn as much as possible and not be afraid of trying new things.

What do you know now that you didn't know before?
How my previous and current education in war studies more specifically is able to contribute and be relevant to the health sector. Also, how many great and smart solutions and products exist to solve health related issues.

Any final words?
I am very excited to get to know more about Swecare, their members, and how I will incorporate my gained knowledge and experiences within the health sector into future work within the field of war studies.

Brief facts about Louise:

Lives: In the exciting city of Stockholm
Family: I am lucky to have my mom, my dad, my two twin sisters, one younger brother and my partner.
Currently I am studying the master’s programme: “War, Politics and Security” at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm. Previous studies include a bachelor's degree in Peace and Conflict studies from Lund University, as well as Asian studies in the UK.
On my spare time, I like to relax by painting or being with my friends and family
Listening to: A mix of everything
Reads: Anything by Jenny Colgan
How many languages do you speak? Besides Swedish and English, I have studied German, Spanish and Korean
Hidden talent: I can play a lot of instruments




Maria Helling

Maria Helling

Presskontakt VD +46 8 406 75 53

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Swecare skapar mötesplatser där den svenska life science-sektorn kan stärka sina internationella relationer. Vi vill bidra till ökad export av svenska produkter, tjänster och kunskaper inom hälsoområdet.