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Valter Lundkvist
Valter Lundkvist

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"Swecare´s way of working with their promoting methods and creating relationships appealed to me and caught my interest".

Swecare is an exciting workplace where new things happen every day. We believe in bringing in new mindsets and young talent. Therefore, we are delighted to have welcomed our fifth intern!

Meet our intern Valter Lundkvist, student from Mälardalens University in Västerås.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

I´m a 21 year old student from Västerås who was born and raised outside of Uppsala. Currently I'm studying for a bachelor's degree in Political science at Mälardalens University in Västerås, and I've just begun my last year in those studies. Beside my studies I´m active as a student representative for the Political science program at the university, and I´m the chairman in the programs student union. We, student representatives, reach out to students to find out their positions in different questions, then we compile and represent them in different forums with the university. It´s a quite rewarding and interesting mission.

What do you do here at Swecare?

My main task at Swecare will be to help in the preparation and implementation of seminars and delegations. Also to write documents, collect information, and help practically during various activities. Now in the beginning I´ve been introduced to various programs that I'll work in and got the chance to listen to interesting briefings about life science, and not least about the Swedish healthcare system. Lately, among other things, I have been involved in the planning of the outgoing delegation to Scotland later this year.

What made you interested in this internship or industry?

To be honest I didn't know too much about life science and healthcare beforehand but Swecare´s way of working with their promoting methods and creating relationships appealed to me and caught my interest. Especially, their way of working with collaboration between the private sector, the public sector, and academia.

What do you like to do outside of work/school?

I have an active lifestyle and exercise as often as I can. One of my biggest interests is floorball which I´ve been practicing for almost 14 years. When I don´t exercise I like to engage in different student activities. I´ve recently been one of the leaders for my program's introduction weeks, which is a period when all the student unions hold activities to welcome the new students. Other than that, I like to keep up with Swedish politics, hang out with friends, and go back to my family in Uppsala when I can.

What do you hope to learn or accomplish during this internship?

I hope to learn more about how Swecare works and what I, as a political scientist student, can contribute with. Some things I wish to develop are my critical thinking, my writing skills, and my English knowledge. In addition to those things, I aim to create a wider network and get to know how to do it.

Can you tell us about a project or class where you learned the most?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a course I took last fall. It was the first Political science methodology course in my program, which I believe that I learned a lot from. One of the examination tasks was to make a quite large investigation together with another student, we used a quantitative survey, so the ability, and critical thinking surrounding that developed quite well alongside compromising, as well as collaborating with someone. Not that much was entirely new but everything was made in a bigger scale, and on a higher level which made me evolve.

What motivates or/and inspires you?

It's quite a hard question but I think what motivates me generally is a feeling of wanting to help, sometimes almost like a duty. So, I would say that other people’s kind actions can motivate me, though I don´t get inspiration from a specific person. In my desire to work out it's easier to say what motivates me, I know that it´ll make me feel good and have a positive impact on other areas of my life.




Dylan Collin

Dylan Collin

Presskontakt Communications Manager

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Swecare skapar mötesplatser där den svenska life science-sektorn kan stärka sina internationella relationer. Vi vill bidra till ökad export av svenska produkter, tjänster och kunskaper inom hälsoområdet.