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Fat Freeze Treatment and Liposuction: Which Is Better?

Even after complying with a strict diet and a rigorous exercise regime, your love handles and flabby arms don’t seem to reduce. In such cases, you may consider undergoing an aesthetic treatment such as fat freeze or liposuction to reduce the fatty deposits.

Fat freeze and liposuction are currently the most popular medical treatments to reduce stubborn fatty deposits from targeted areas on the body. If you are considering a body contouring procedure but unsure of the effects and risks of fat freeze and liposuction, we aim to get you the lowdown of the treatments.


Fat freeze is a non-invasive procedure. It works by putting an external probe on the skin to pull the excess fat and skin into the space in the probe. A controlled cooling system brings the temperature of the skin down to where the fat cells die and the body eliminates them in the following weeks.

Side effects are often mild such as short-term bruising or skin sensitivity. They are usually resolved in a few days.

On the other hand, liposuction involves administering anesthesia because it is an invasive surgery. The doctor inserts a cannula into the area and he breaks down the fats physically with the cannula before sucking it out with it.

Risks of liposuction can include infection, numbness, and scarring. Also, if too much fat is removed, there may be lumpiness or dents. If performed poorly, liposuction can also be fatal. There were at least 2 cases of deaths in the past 4 years in Singapore.



Studies have shown that fat freeze treatment can reduce fat cells by 20 to 25 percent in any given part of a person’s body. Although you can see the result after one session, people usually repeat the treatment 1 or 2 more times to see visible results.

Liposuction is capable of removing up to 5 liters of fats in one treatment.

Although both procedures are able to permanently reduce fat cells in the treated area, it is possible for the fat cells to accumulate in the same area again if diet and lifestyle are not well-managed.



Fat freeze treatment is priced at about S$500 for one area. However, the total cost may vary based on the size of the targeted area.

The average cost for liposuction is about S$8,000.


Length of procedure and downtime:

Fat freeze treatment is done as an outpatient procedure. Depending on the number of areas to treat, each session typically takes about an hour to complete. The downtime after a fat freeze treatment is about 2 to 3 days. Some numbness and soreness may persist but these side effects should subside in less than a week.

Liposuction can also be done as an outpatient surgery. The procedure can take up to 2 hours. The post-treatment care can be troublesome. After the liposuction procedure, there may be some residual tumescent fluid. Some of it may leak out through the keyhole incisions. The downtime can sometimes last for several weeks.



Fat freeze is generally a well-tolerated treatment. The discomfort is during the start of the treatment when the excess skin and fat are sucked into the probe. After a few minutes, you will adjust to the treatment. Furthermore, the cooling effect induces numbness.

Although you may not feel the pain or discomfort during a liposuction treatment, most people feel a dull pain after the surgery due to the trauma when the doctor breaks down the fats physically. The pain may last for days or weeks, as the body adapts and heals.


So which is better: Fat freeze or liposuction?

Both treatments aim to reduce stubborn fatty deposits in the body. With improved technologies, both treatments can treat specific body parts such as belly, thighs, arms, and even double chin.

Both procedures are equally effective in terms of fat removal. Neither procedure can improve the appearance of cellulite or loose skin.

Based on the above comparison, fat freeze seems to be a clear winner in enabling us to achieve a svelte silhouette of a supermodel!

Radium Medical Aesthetics is a medical aesthetic clinic in Singapore that offers fat freeze treatment to reduce stubborn fats around the tummy, arms, and double chin.


  • Health Care