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Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

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Hope after a stroke: A third of stroke survivors lost their job after their stroke with some even losing their home or partner – but having ‘hope’ is critical to recovery

  • Almost 18% of stroke survivors in the North West say having a stroke cost them their job, UK wide almost one in ten say it caused their relationship to end and 6% even lost their home
  • Across the UK, over half of younger stroke survivors under the age of 50 say they have never emotionally recovered from their stoke
  • But a quarter felt first signs of hope after a week since having a stroke – although nearly one in seven have not felt any hope since it happened
  • The Stroke Association calls for those who can to donate to give more survivors hope after a stroke
  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • · You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn

Embargoed until 13 October 2021 – The practical, emotional and physical impact of having a stroke has been laid bare by a new survey of over 3,500 stroke survivors across the UK, released today. The research, conducted by the Stroke Association ahead of World Stroke Day (29 October), is part of a renewed call for vital funds to help the charity give more survivors hope after their stroke and help them to rebuild their lives.

The impact on survivors in the North West

The research reveals that almost 18% of those in the North West who survived a stroke say it directly led to them losing their job whilst 3% say it led to them losing their home.

Furthermore, 12% say it had a negative impact on their relationship with their partner, with 5% saying it led to their relationship ending. It is not only relationships with partners that are affected – 8% say they lost friends as a result of having a stroke.

Younger survivors more severely impacted

Looking at stroke survivors across the UK, the research reveals that the emotional impact of a stroke can impact younger survivors more severely. Amongst those under the age of 50, six in ten (60%) say that they’ve never emotionally recovered from the impact of their stroke. This compares to 44% for those over the age of 50.

This is despite a similar number of younger stroke survivors under the age of 50 (52%) and over the age of 50 (50%) saying they have not physically recovered from their stroke.

The importance of hope

The research shows the importance and transformative power of feeling hope after having a stroke. Three quarters of those surveyed in the UK (76%) say that hope played an important or critical part in their recovery.

But for many, it was not a quick process. Whilst a quarter (25%) say they began to feel hope after a month since their stroke, for over a fifth (22%) it took more than a year to experience what they felt was the first sign of hope. Meanwhile 13% say they have never felt hopeful since they had their stroke – demonstrating how strokes can impact survivors differently.

The Stroke Association helps people to find the hope they need to rebuild their lives through specialist services, including a Helpline, peer support service, support groups and Support Coordinators.

Adrian Day, 61, from Warrington, knows more about hope and staying positive than most, after he had a stroke and lost the job he loved within a week of each other.

In May 2020, Adrian began to feel light headed and couldn’t feel his left arm or leg. Luckily, Adrian’s wife noticed a slight droop in his face and called 999, explaining she suspected Adrian was having a stroke.

Adrian said: “The ambulance was on the drive in ten minutes. I was conscious and lucid throughout the stroke and I gave the paramedics as much information as possible on our way to hospital.”

A CT scan soon revealed Adrian’s stroke had been caused by a bleed on the brain and he would spend three days in Whiston hospital before being transferred to Warrington hospital.

Incredibly, just one week after his stroke, Adrian received more worrying news from his manager regarding his job as an International Development Manager.

Adrian said: “On May 21st, exactly one week after my stroke, and still paralysed, my boss emailed me to say that I would be redundant from May 31st.

“The World was at the start of a global pandemic, the UK was in lockdown, I had suffered a stroke, I was paralysed and had just lost my job – I couldn’t believe what was happening.”

Despite these monumental set backs, Adrian has stayed determined in his recovery and getting his life back on track. He began intensive sessions of physio and occupational therapy while setting himself the goal of walking out of hospital by his 61stbirthday and to be able to walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day in 2023.

Now back at home and continuing his rehabilitation, Adrian wants to show others that there is hope after stroke.

Adrian said: “Whilst I accept that I wont be the person I was before the stroke, I’m determined that it won’t be the final chapter in my life. I want to get another job, I’ve even had a few interviews and I want to drive again too.

“I’ve never felt depressed, or asked myself, ‘why me?’ I actually consider myself lucky as Haemorrhagic stroke kills more often than not but I’m still around to tell my story. I’m also still here for my wife and daughters and I hope all of that brings inspiration and hope to other stroke survivors.”

Big and small moments of hope

The research found that it can be both big and small moments of hope that are important. When asked what gave them their firstmoment of hope after a stroke, 17% said it was being able to use their affected side for the first time and 11% said it was being able to speak again. However, 15% said it was being able to complete a small every day task such as making a cup of tea.

Reevaluating what is important after a stroke

The impact of a stroke leads many to reevaluate what is important in life. Over half (56%) say having a stroke made them appreciate their life more, 43% say it made them appreciate their family more and 41% say it made them appreciate the importance of looking after their health.

Jennifer Gardner, Associate Director for the North West, at the Stroke Association said: “Every five minutes, someone in the UK will have a stroke and in a flash, their life is changed. Two thirds of people who survive a stroke find themselves living with a disability. The physical impact of a stroke is severe, but for many, the emotional aspects of coming to terms with having a stroke are just as significant. As the research makes clear, finding hope is a crucial part of the recovery process. Without it, recovery can seem impossible.

“At the Stroke Association, we support and help people to find this hope, and rebuild their lives. But with 1.3m people and rising in the UK now living with the effects of a stroke, our services have never been more stretched. We urgently require the support of the public to help us continue to support stroke survivors to rebuild their lives.”

The Stroke Association is asking those who can to donate today so that it can reach more stroke survivors and give them the specialist support they need to find hope and move forward with their recovery. Visit


For more information, contact Ken Scott, PR Officer at the Stroke Association on 0115 7788429 or email

Notes to Editors

Statistics based on a Stroke Association nationally representative survey of 3,572 stroke survivors, conducted in September 2021.

About the Stroke Association


  • Stroke strikes every five minutes in the UK and it changes lives in an instant.
  • The Stroke Association is a charity working across the UK to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We believe that everyone deserves to live the best life they can after stroke. From local support services and groups, to online information and support, anyone affected by stroke can visit or call our dedicated Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100 to find out about support available locally.
  • Our specialist support, research and campaigning are only possible with the courage and determination of the stroke community and the generosity of our supporters. With more donations and support, we can help rebuild even more lives.
  • You can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


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The UK's leading stroke charity helping people to rebuild their lives after stroke

The Stroke Association. We believe in life after stroke. That’s why we campaign to improve stroke care and support people to make the best possible recovery. It’s why we fund research to develop new treatments and ways to prevent stroke. The Stroke Association is a charity. We rely on your support to change lives and prevent stroke. Together we can conquer stroke.

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EC1V 2PR London