Press release -


On Friday 10 November 2017, the British public was given the chance to change the face of politics in our country.

WISE Reunited is now an official registered political party in both NI and GB. We will put the people first and be a driver for change in the way politics is done. WISE will not hide from the difficult issues and we will hold the current incumbents of our political system to account.

WISE will not promise something we cannot deliver. When we promise something, WISE will deliver!

Wise Reunited is a fully registered lateral political party created to change the political system and reengage with the people. Westminster has for too long been detached from the people it was elected to serve. WISE Reunited is here to change that.

The political system in the UK is failing and as a consequence so is the infrastructure, this must be corrected before the damage is irreversible and WISE is here to do just that.

As a party, we aim to represent the electorate as their servants, giving them a voice while insuring their issues are addressed rather than ignored.

Through transparency and honesty in all that WISE dose we will eradicate corruption and change politics for the better. By giving the people a voice and carrying their message forward we will reengage the political system and make it work for the better.

As a party, we have created all our policies in skeletal form with the intention of finalising them with the input and feedback from those professionals who work in that given sector. Why would you create a policy on the NHS without having the input of young doctors or nursing staff that work on the front line day to day? You wouldn’t.

As a party, WISE wants to hear:

- What affects each and everyone of you on a daily basis

- Where the system is failing

- How you would change the system

The people have a voice and an opinion; it’s time to share them with us, help us to change the nature of politics within the United Kingdom.



  • Government


  • politics
  • goverment
  • westminster
  • change
  • political party
  • united kingdom


  • England

WISE Reunited is a lateral political party founded in July 2017 in Cumbria. Born through a need to reconnect politics with the people and close the divide that has become so apparent. Our message is clear and achievable; “It’s time for the people to win”.

WISE Reunited’s founders have varied professional and political backgrounds, as non-career politicians it is our view that a political party should exist to serve the people and carry their voice. Through honesty, integrity and transparency we aim to eradicate corruption within the government and change the face of politics in the United Kingdom. WISE Reunited will give the people a voice, we will give the power back to the people and we will build a better future for the next generation.

All media and press enquiries to Neil Drake


Neil Drake

Press contact PR & Media Executive