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Topics: Trucks, Transport vehicles

RAC responds to Government announcement on extra £100m for the pothole fund

RAC responds to Government announcement on extra £100m for the pothole fund

RAC head of roads policy Nicholas Lyes said: “The announcement of extra funding is welcome and will provide a boost to local highways authorities so they can fix some of our crumbling roads following the cold end to winter. Data suggests RAC patrols were attending over 200 pothole related breakdowns a day in the week following the early March cold snap. Some of the problems our patrols encountered

RAC issues advice to drivers facing freezing rain

RAC traffic spokesperson Rod Dennis said: “Freezing rain perhaps represents one of the greatest challenges any driver could face. Droplets of rain which come into contact with the ground and other surfaces freeze instantly. This creates a huge hazard as roads may look clear and safe, despite actually being potentially icy death traps.
“If freezing rain is forecast, put simply drivers should avo

RAC Business survey highlights almost 40% of firms expect drivers to take calls on the road

A fifth of firms say drivers in accidents due to using handheld phones at the wheel

One in five (19%) UK firms say their employees have been involved in an accident while driving for work due to using a handheld phone at the wheel, according to new research*. RAC Business has revealed the findings from its survey of 1,000 UK businesses, carried out across all fleet sizes and sectors, to highlight current attitudes to handheld mobile phone use and driving for work.

RAC comments on findings of Highway England's motorway fuel price sign trial

Highways England has published the findings from its M5 motorway fuel price signage trial concluding that it has not delivered sufficient impact or cost benefit to cover the capital cost and operational costs of the service. This means there is no business case for whole or partial public sector funding to roll out fuel pricing signs to other motorway service areas on the motorway network.

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